“Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) admitted his legislation is dead if Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) doesn’t get on board.”
Of course, if she does get on board, then several million Americans are dead.
Anyone have their office numbers I need to make a phone call
He also said Collins knows that a “smart governor” who knows insurance as well as she does “could do a heck of a lot to provide coverage for people in Maine,” referencing the bill’s main focus of converting Obamacare subsidies to block grants that are controlled by states.
LePage is still the governor, right?
I feel pretty encouraged that this bill won’t pass. In fact, I get the impression that they may be losing votes. I think Collins just wants to wait to announce her vote until after the CBO score comes out so that she can say, “I’m a no, and here’s why…” Murkowski probably has the same strategy.
Translation: The bill is dead. I’m dropping my O-Care repeal meter down to 20%.
Effective wheeling and dealing happens in the proverbial smoke-filled back room, not in a self-bathing TV pity party.
Just trying to lay the groundwork for the inevitable blame-shifting. Low energy. Sad.
He just says his repeal bill, tho. Next up: Cotton-Gardner Repeal!
In the on-deck circle, Hatch-Scott.
Or maybe Flake Repeal. Just Flake.
I wish all these Flakes were repealed.
Right…4 billion straight to the human bowling ball who refuses to admit there is a BIG FREAKING PROBLEM WITH OPIODS in his state. Give me a flippin’ break.
Well now, this Mainer is going to do all he can to make sure MY SENATOR does the right thing.
Her VM is full…has been since this morning.
How could a gal resist a good-lookin’, smooth-talkin’ guy like you, Hop-a-long?
Was at the house in ME over the weekend. The full court press that was on the tube and internet the last time is up and running again. Even planned parenthood has chimed in with an ad promoting how important they are in rural areas. If Collins does wish to become Gov it would probably behoove her to vote against this monster.
Am I missing something or is the implication here that Murkowski is a ‘yes’ vote?
They’ve lost Paul and McCain, so they are down to the minimum of 50 votes plus Pence. Collins doesn’t help is Murkowski or anyone else is ‘no,’ correct?
Great photo! A gaggle of saggy white guys standing around grimacing.
Yeah, and he’s not smart.
Another option is to send her a fax. I’ve been using Resistbot to send faxes to my Senators, since Rob Portman’s offices do NOT answer their phones. Resist bot will send the fax for you.