Discussion: Carson's Manager Brushes Off GOers Who Refused To Sign Debate Demand Letter (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #242470

Is it true that no-neck Bennett is Steve Deace’s older brother? They each have about as much credibility and they sure look alike.

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Wow. That guy’s running Carson’s campaign??

“Obama is right about one thing, Putin steals his lunch money every day.”
When did the Republicans get such a hard on for Russian leaders over their own President?


Debate among the debaters…sweeeeeeeeet.

Nothing like a untied front to keep the TeaVoters aligned…

You know its funny; in my mind when I pictured Carson’s campaign manager, he looked EXACTLY like this guy…


Caught a few moment this afternoon of oxygen-starved Chunk Toad explaining to Mrs. Greenspan how Dr. Carson is the GOP Jimmy Carter…
With a straight face, Chunk claimed the present national mood was just like the post Watergate period.


If Central Casting needed a white, pasty, obese middle aged male actor to play a typical Tea Party blowhard, I’ll nominate this guy…

This is a microcosm of the entire GOP governing philosophy–a minority believes it has the power, and the right, to dictate what everyone must do. And if the majority don’t listen, then we will stop everything, somehow, until they see the light.


Like a more incompetent, more banal, no less evil Jabba the Hutt.

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Pfft…who cares about Trump, Christie, Kasich and Fiorina?? They have the big hitters like Jindal and Graham on board. Have you not looked at the polls lately?? Those guys are killing it!!

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“One of us is going to win the nomination and I hope that person wins in the fall,” Bennett said.

And your contribution is pimping a clueless, deer-in-the-headlights, word-salad-spewing conspiracy kook. Nice job.