Discussion: Carson's Advisor: I Told Him He Would Be Scrutinized As A Prez Candidate

Armstrong Williams is going to continue to ride this gravy train for as long as it choo-choos along.


The hardest part about criticizing Ben Carson is knowing where to begin.


In the way YOU meant it, he certainly does not.

But for the world of Santorum, Huckabee, Carson, etc…it’s a great business.


As a reminder Armstrong Williams is the guy who took money from W’s administration to tell people how good No Child Left Behind was, but he forgot to mention he was being paid to say that while posing as a journalist.


“Yes, Dr. Carson does acknowledge as recent as within the last 12 hours the fact that he’s got to adjust himself to the scrutiny and not all the media is up to no good when they pursue stories,” Williams said.

What, Carson had a flash of realism? Don’t make me laugh.

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Previous to this campaign, Carson’s “business manager” Armstrong Williams was best known for his work for the Bush administration:




Is this the same Armstrong Williams who was the radio host back in the 90s?

There was a former employee of his on Howard Stern in the late 90s who said Williams sexually harassed him when he worked for him.

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It wouldn’t have posed a problem if questions were like, “Dr. Carson, you’re truly one of the greatest American ever! Why do the libruls wanna tear you down so??”

I think that the brilliant Dr. Ben Carson may have thought that “scrutinized” was just a fancy way of saying “sexified”. (H/T: Peter Griffin)

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You would think that someone who loved and cared about him - his wife, kids, friends, SOMEONE - would just tell him, “Ben, you are shredding any great reputation you once had. Just stop, and think before you speak. Or better yet, drop out and come home.” (Personally, I hope he wins the nomination and is torn apart and ground into powder during the general election. I do not have any sympathy for this misogynist, homophobic, lying Teabagger motherfucker whatsoever.)
But why should he listen when no one else could possibly have as much God-given knowledge as the infallible Dr. Carson anyway?


So far, all of the fact checking has come from right wing publications…CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Politico.

Perhaps he should be eyeing his GOP competitors instead of the liberal progressives. Just a thought…


That, my friend, would take honesty coupled with effort. The dishonest and effortless way is to blame the “liberal” media. You know, we secular progressives, we are so scared of the brain surgeon.

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The people on his staff are well aware of who the major dirty tricksters are working for. Hell, most of them have worked with each other at some point in their careers. And right now, its not coming from the left.

Though I hesitate to say a dirty trickster is directly behind this. All of these are pretty much out there, begging to be questioned. And there are enough Big Money GOPers who are scared to death of the concept of Carson winning the nomination, that they will make that phone call without being prodded directly by a campaign.


“It’s only going to become more harsher”

As opposed to merely harsher. And what is this “bof” he speaks of? I have heard the word “both” used in that context, but I am unfamiliar with “bof”. /snark

My point being,that is your job requires you to interface with the national media, it behooves you to enunciate.

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The same.

I think he used the notoriety from being with Thomas to get a job with Radio one in DC.

But Carson believes he has a direct pipeline to God and God always answers his prayers, so he thinks he will win.