Discussion: Carson: You Have To Admit Trump Calling Me A Child Molester 'Did Work'

even though he wears loafers?

Someone should tell the poor woman.


Technically he may be a neurosurgeon, but he is definitely a poor excuse for a human being.


ā€œHe said it was political, he was concerned about the fact that he couldnā€™t shake me,ā€ Carson said.

And Armstrong Williams told you millions of people wanted you to be President? Iā€™m starting to see a pattern here, Doctor.

God, this man is just otherworldly. As horrible as this election season has been (and itā€™s only mid-March), I think this might be the saddest part.


Is this where he explains the mice wee-wees?


After Iowa did Cruz say that Carson had dropped out of the race or that he was dropped on his head?


Donā€™t worry, there are horrors over the horizon we never dreamt of.


You cannot undermine Drumpf. He has already dug deep into the mantle. There is nothing that Carson could say that could make Drumpf look worse that he already does.

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As Iā€™ve written before, Iā€™d like to hear the dirt from people he worked with and for him in his past life. Itā€™s not like he has Alzheimerā€™s. The wacko pyramid theory and his first fictional self aggrandizing book were many years ago. Heā€™s been delusional for decades - maybe his whole life.

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ā€œA lot of people believed him.ā€

Donā€™t feel so bad, Ben. People in your party believe all kinds of crazy shit like global warming is a hoax, man has inhabited the earth for just 6,000 years, Noahā€™s Ark really happened, there is a Santa Claus, and heā€™s white, Saddam Hussein was behind 911, Obama is a Muslim from Kenya, Ben Carson is sane, and the list goes on and on.


Child molester? I missed that one. Hardly seems likely as Ben doesnā€™t move any faster than a snail. I canā€™t wait to see how he ā€œriotsā€ when The Donald puts out the order for his troops to take to the streets.

Iā€™m pretty sure neurosurgeons across the USA will be happy once this dolt leaves the stage.

It is my theory that the real Dr. Ben Carson is bound hand and foot and gagged in a broom closet somewhere. The Ben Carson we see is a not very successful experiment in robotics.


Well below that.

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Slight modification: ā€œI endorse Drumpf! Nice vicious lie that permanently scars my reputation, sir. Well played!ā€


Poor, poor, dear, sweet Ben. The reason a lot of people believed Trumpā€™s accusations should be far more concern than the fact that Trump said anything that outrageous.

ā€¦Donald Trump is a successful businessman. Thereā€™s a whopper!


As Iā€™ve written before, Iā€™d like to hear the dirt from people he worked with and for him in his past life. Itā€™s not like he has Alzheimerā€™s. The wacko pyramid theory and his first fictional self aggrandizing book were many years ago. Heā€™s been delusional for decades - maybe his whole life.

Well it shows you just how much can be taught by rote ā€œeducation.ā€ Learning a particular set of skills, in a small, very precise field is a sign of that education, not necessarily intelligence. Explains the various skills that animals of the non homo-sapiean variety can be taught. Even without language. I submit Dr. Carson is of this variety ā€¦ but then again he could have discovered the ā€œjoysā€ of self-medication after his career, and his brain is slowly dissolving as we watch and listen in abject horror.

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ā€œHe said it was political, he was concerned about the fact that he couldnā€™t shake me,ā€

Oh my God. This is embarrassing.


ā€¦ he got himself thru med school practicing on himselfā€¦ apparently he left a couple of sponges behindā€¦