Clearly Ben is suggesting that the host binge-watch Deadwood…
“As I was growing up, people were always trying to talk about their sexual conquest, and trying to make themselves appear, you know, like the Don Casanova,” Carson replied
Who the hell is Don Casanova?
I remember talking aboutt this stuff in jr high school. It didn’t seem to matter much after that I guess.
Trevor Noah killed Carson with this…
“Sports require active movement. Why would Ben Carson ever be in a locker room”?
You poor little weaselly, pathetic self-hater. History will describe you as well…there will be United States History.
And African American History
I think rabbit holes were created with people like Carson in mind.
“As I was growing up” = When I was a kid. A teenager. A sophomore. Young. Brash. Stupid.
Not when I was a 50-something adult who damn well knows better.
See the difference?
“Where are you hanging out and with whom are you hanging out that you hear people talking like that?”
Well said Carson…
"You would not believe the shit that gets talked about in that surgery when it’s an 8 hour operation.
Who did who and how many times . Also us boys do a little grab ass with the nurses to keep things hopping
Carson To CNN Host: It’s ‘Problem’ You Haven’t Heard More ‘Locker Room’ Talk
Piss off Ben. As if you’ve been in many locker rooms either.
Carson excuses a losing explanation-- from a losing campaign-- of a loser.
Astros starting pitcher Colin McHugh on Instagram yesterday:
I don’t like to comment on politics publicly. I never feel competent or knowledgeable enough to say something that a thousand more well-informed people haven’t already said. However, I feel the need to comment on the language that Donald Trump classified the other day as “locker room talk”, given my daily exposure to it. Have I heard comments like Trump’s (i.e. sexist, disrespectful, crude, sexually aggressive, egotistical, etc.) in a clubhouse? Yes. But I’ve also heard some of those same comments other places. Cafes, planes, the subway, walking down the street and even at the dinner table. To generalize his hateful language as “locker room talk” is incredibly offensive to me and the men I share a locker room with every day for 8 months a year. Men of conscience and integrity, who would never be caught dead talking about women in that way. You want to know what “locker room talk” sounds like from my first hand perspective? Baseball talk. Swinging, pitching, home runs, double plays, shifts. The rush of victory and the frustration of defeat. Family talk. Nap schedules for our kids. Loneliness of being on the road so much. Off-season family vacations. And most importantly, coffee talk! The best places to find quality #coldbrew. What’s currently brewing on the #aeropress in the empty locker between me and Doug, affectionately known as #CafeStros? How strong do you need it today? Kid wouldn’t sleep last night? I’ll make it a little stronger for ya. Maybe Mr. Trump does talk like that in his country club locker room. Perhaps he’s simply not privy to the kind of conversations that take place in other locker rooms. But as for me and my @astros team, our “locker room talk” sounds absolutely nothing like his. And I couldn’t be more proud of that.
Keep talking GOP. Keep talking.
Maybe mention “legitimate locker room talk,” something like that. Just keep talking.
Brianna needs to hear more talk about boys threatening their mothers with knives too. It’s all normal in GOP-world.
You know, I played football in high school. I rowed on a crew. Yeah we were in our teens, and hormonal, and had poor judgment. We had some bawdy talk, but never talked about assaulting women like this. And we never talked about women like absolute pieces of meat like Trump did in this tape. “Look at the legs on it.” It actually sends a chill down your spine.
I’m in my mid-30’s now, and I simply cannot fathom how a man in in his 60’s could talk like this. What a creepy, horrid old man. If this is the most interesting thing you have to talk about at that advanced age, how poor in spirit, how horribly empty are you? “Bragging about conquests” should get boring no later than your mid 20’s. And this went far beyond that.
Giacomo’s less sophisticated brother.
Ben may be a great surgeon, but he always sounds like he does not have a clue. Somethings very wrong with this man. He needs to see a head srinker.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—Ben the brain surgeon must have taken the dictum “Physician, heal thyself” too literally one day.
This makes me proud to be a former baseball player.
You know where I heard talk like Trump’s? From 14 year old boys who had never seen a woman naked let alone touched one. Trump just never grew up.
I think his brain has already shrunk far beyond any hope of recovery