It´s probably hot on the sun. It´s probably dark up your butt. It´s probably sunny in the Sahara. It´s probably wet in the ocean. …
What better vote of confidence can Carson have in Trump than saying that, “There are probably better people for the WH than Trump?” Way to go, Ben! Old Ben would sell his soul to remain relevant, but he has no idea that almost everything he says is a big fail.
Pick a random first name. Then pick a random middle name. Then pick a random last name. Find someone with that name. They would probably be better in White House than Trump.
The real question is “are there any worse people for the White House?”…
Note to self: Do not seek, nor accept, any endorsements by Ben Carson.
There are probably a lot of people that would like to put Ben up in one of his granaries.
did anyone record his legs kicking while he was talking in his sleep?
Also, do not consider buying his used car.
You ever notice how most of Obama’s most vocal and angriest critics almost always suffer some humiliating defeat or reveal themselves to be not particularly sane? It happens so often that I almost understand why so many Republicans think there’s a conspiracy to silence his critics. Almost.
This is probably the closest the GOP will get to admitting their situation is totally pathetic,a disaster.
Pssst. Ben. When you endorse someone, your job is to say nice things about them. That’s how it works here on planet earth.
And for heaven’s sake, don’t hire him to design your grain silo.
“…we are not doing things that make sense economically,” Carson continued. “And he’s probably the person who is most likely to do that…”
Just look at his pledge-sans-plan to reduce the deficit in two terms.
After discarding nine governors, five senators and three outsiders through the debate and primary process, and scaring off another four governors and one senator and one Speaker of the House even before the debates and primaries, who, pray tell us, do you have in mind?
Do they have a “(D)” after their names? I’ll bet that they do…
It really is stunning when you think about how confident the GOP was that this election was pretty much in the bag. Time and again they told us they would be looking to all those wildly successful GOP governors, they said we couldn’t withstand another presidency with “on the job training”. They talked about a field that was an embarrassment of riches. At least they got the embarrassment part right! But the remaining two candidates (Kasich doesn’t even count) have either the exact same amount of experience as Obama or none at all. And the only governor who even won a state is doing only slightly worse than a freshman Senator who has already dropped out. They went from bragging about their deep bench and the quality of the field to quite possibly being forced to abandon the Senate to focus on salvaging the House.
Pick a random first name. Then pick a random middle name.
Then pick a random last name. Find someone with that name. They would
probably be better in White House than Trump.
Thelma J. Cunningham
1017 Roosevelt Road
Moran, KS 66755
With friends like Ben Carson, who needs enemies?
why in the hell does this goofball continue to receive attention from the media. yet another in the endless examples of the degradation of a once responsible political media.