Discussion: Carson: The President Wouldn't Have To Follow SCOTUS On Gay Marriage

I’m beginning to think that I could be a pediatric brain surgeon.


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Carson is as clueless about the U.S. Constitution and how our government works as he is about foreign policy and world affairs.

Dr. Ben should stick to discussing neurosurgery. On all other matters, he is clearly out of his depth.


Somewhere, Jefferson Davis weeps.


It doesn’t say they have the responsibility to carry out a judicial law.

What are you talking about? What in hell is a “judicial law”?

Clearly, smart and stupid are not mutually exclusive.

…as many clown car occupants demonstrate,


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But uncle tom, why do we need the supreme court then? Didn’t uncle bush make sure there were supreme justices that would do as we say? And uncle tome why did that man just tell you you had to come in the back door when the the RNC convention starts next year? Uncle Tom, that a check that sure is a lot of zeroes.? Are really you going to be the next Rosa Parks?

Oh great, another gop/bag running for president, that doesn’t know what he is talking about…sigh.

What is so painfully embarrassing about this is that the good doctor appears to have no idea that he is clueless.

Of course, this would ONLY be true if the SC rules FOR marriage equality. If it votes AGAINST it…well, then it becomes the law of the land because…because the SC says so.

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More proof that Ben Carson is totally unqualified to be President. He says he is not a politician. That’s fine. But he is also totally disqualified to be POTUS. No experience, strange opinions, and apparently ignorant of the constitution.

Sadly it’s a person with a high intelligence in some areas, but that has stupid ideas he believes to be true and he uses his intelligence to manipulate people that don’t have intelligence.

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You’ve put your finger on the real issue here. I don’t look at Carson as a serious candidate; he has literally zero chance to get the nomination. The mere fact that his candidacy exists is the canary in the coal mine for both the mainstream media and the Republican base.

The fact that he hasn’t been “laughed off the public stage” already is an indication of how irredeemably degenerate and corrupt American “journalism” is. Carson has proven himself to be flat ignorant on a wide range of topics, yet there is apparently not a single fucking mainstream journalist with the brains, the balls, or the initiative to ask Carson questions that a reasonably precocious eleventh-grader who’s had a couple of Civics and American History courses in a decent high school would be able to ask.

We already know what his popularity with the GOP base indicates about the latter.


I wouldn’t be so quick to jump on the “Inevitable JEB” bandwagon just yet,his polling is atrocious.I mean, really atrocious like Carson and Fiorina are polling above him. Walker is polling around 25%, Bush is struggling to hold on to 7%. All the money in the world won’t help if the voters don’t vote for you…even in the GOP.

Not that I disagree with you, but keep a perspective…We have 2 of the already declared candidates and several of the expected to declares all giving legitimacy to the JadeHelm conspiracy nonsense. And by and large, the media isn’t even treating it as completely nuts; most seem to present it as a viable theory worthy of investigation (but not by them, because investigations cost money and stuff).

So the crazy crap that Carson is going to babble? Its par for the course now and will be treated as legitimate by the stenographers.


So what if it would keep him from voting, dining with white folk, getting the education he received, living in
the neighborhood of his choice. Guess it wouldn’t bother him at all.

The level of willful ignorance this man exhibits totally disqualifies him from ever being President.

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Indeed, and totally off subject, but I was totally expecting SUN Microsystems to buy out Apple in the late 90s.

Ask 10 surgeons to balance a checkbook and review the results. That will provide the answer to the question you are asking.

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Lemme ask something, Dr. Carson: You conservatives, as you call yourselves, are putatively in favor of the “rule of law” and our Constitution as interpreted by the SCOTUS. But what’s a guy like you gonna do when flaming liberals like Alito, Scalia and his manservant Thomas “legislate from the bench”?

They teach Constitutional Law in medical school now?? Oh wait, no, they don’t!

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