Discussion for article #236063
Well heck, let’s ignore all the decisions the SC has ever made.
Is that a box of rocks or the penetrating intellect of Dr. Ben Carson?
Why yes, yes it is!
It’s his Nine, Nine, Nine Plan with one set of nines.
“First of all, we have to understand how the Constitution works. . .” The words of every person who has absolutely no clue as to how the Constitution works, what it says or what it means.
Seriously. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer and even I know that’s an incredibly, painfully stupid statement.
The President is going to be way too busy invading Texas to even think about the SC. First Amendment and all others that count say that the President is bound only to the will of the House of Representatives. It’s right there in the Constitution, right next to the part about the Air Force.
Carson is one of the very few people I’ve ever heard of who isn’t right as often as a stopped clock.
I never used to think that there could be such a person as a pediatric neurosurgery skills savant.
If the President can ignore decisions from the Supremes, maybe we should disband it? And while we’re at it lets get rid of the lower courts too. And Attorneys.
Life will be like an anarchist’s paradise.
This guy is a foil in the way that C Fiorina and M Huckabee are. Fiorina can attack H Clinton’s woman-stuff and appeal somewhat to the corporatocracy and Republican women starting to wonder why they belong to a white-boys club. Huckabee gives all of JesusLand a shiver up/down their collective legs. Carson is supposed to prove that Republicans don’t hate blacks. They are all embarrassing themselves and have zero chance, but that’s OK from the POV of party leaders. Jeb, like Romney before him, is pre-ordained. But the clown car is gassed and ready to roll again. It will be a long, painful campaign.
I don’t know what it is about this field that attracts such bafoonery. We have our own pediatric neurosurgeon Republican out here in Oregon, Monica Wehby, who after her recently failed run for the Senate was sent packing back to the operating room. Scary thought for parents and their children who need a neurosurgeon in Portland!
He reminds me of my mom with computers. I called her one time and she said, like always, that she was having trouble with her computer, and I asked her to describe it, and she said “Google won’t let me see any bytes.” He says these things and you just don’t know where to begin explaining to him how far wrong he’s gone; he thinks he knows something but in fact he knows less than nothing.
I saw on another site a tweet from someone saying that Ben Carson is about to discover that running for POTUS isn’t brain surgery.
So, using Ben’s logic, the ACA was passed by Congress, signed by the President into law, and will remain in force no matter what the SC rules on mandates.
Same with my Mom. She believes google is an OS. There’s no convincing her it’s not.
While we’re at it- just scrap the Constitution. Soon there after, people will rise up and the GOP will find themselves in a bit of a pickle.
“It’s just a piece of paper!”
You mean “a long, painful, and hilarious campaign.”