Discussion: Carson: 'South Carolina Will Be The Turning Point' For Campaign

Discussion for article #245938

“People don’t understand that our financial foundation is crumbling and…[t]hey have no idea we’re just marching off the cliff.” - Ben Carson

He must be talking about his own campaign!


Give it up, Carson. You are not qualified to be POTUS. Your claim that the biblical Joseph built the pyramids was enough to convince me.


“I think South Carolina will be the turning point.”

…that will cause me to drop out.


No doubt that rap song he commissioned to get young Black people to vote for him is going to garner him lots of votes.



That and the pyramid statement were two of the most bizarre things I’ve heard from any POTUS candidate ever.


You know the moment when the shuffling zombie finally stops moving, pivots 90 degrees, and comes face-to-face with the ground with a resounding THUMP?

Yeah, that “turning point.”


That precisely describes the current state of his campaign. He fired 50 plus people last week, with more to come probably this week. His fundraising dried up in November, but he has still been spending like a drunken sailor. And the people that had any grasp of how to run a campaign…he chased away at the request of the man who has repeatedly torpedoed his campaign.

Carson is hoping Trump or Cruz offers him a line to help pay off his campaign debts in return for an endorsement. That is the only reason he is sticking around.


C’mon, folks. Florida is just a short hop away from South Carolina. With some fresh clothes and a short session with that painting, Carson is going to burst out … like the Incredulous Incredible Hulk. We’re talking a full 4-5% of the vote!

Now that I think about it, Uncle Ben will be swimming up stream against Miss Lindsay’s endorsement of ¡Jeb!

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Ben, time to step off the Holodeck and face reality.


You didn’t need this. :wink:

He’s going to go from 2% to 2.1%, and ride that momentum all the way!

Possibly it was a preemptive strike in case Carson came at him with a knife?
Ben’s mom says, “It could happen!”

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“you have to pick your battles”

May we suggest something you are qualified for:

Assistant Vice Deputy Medical Officer at the Creation Museum?

Dr Carson… continuing to drive with his right turn signal on long after he has passed his turning point…


This clown’s whole “campaign” has been the political version of The Producers. Carson is Bialystock and Gay Armstrong Williams has been Bloom.

Wait, I thought he quit and went back to Florida to change his boxers.

Turning point - right at Charleston and home to start booking his next speaking tour.

Geez, his campaign has had more “turning points” than Dame Margot Fonteyn.

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And the media is Ulla. “Get car! Get car! Gooda Booday!”