Make It stop.
I can’t take any more of the stupid .
They have already killed satire and put the Onion out of business and now this!
I looked up idiot savant in the dictionary, big picture of this guy
Carson, dumb as usual.
The Uncle Tom is strong with this one.
Mistake: you looked up “feces.”
As it happens, I do believe that having wealthy parents is a mixed blessing and that children of the rich do face certain obstacles to achieving their full development.
But seriously, Ben, STFU, “Disadvantaged” is precisely the wrong term for this, you fucking idiot.
This man Carson never ceases to amaze me with his imbecilic utterings. People that think he is brilliant should actually research his days as a doctor and you will find out that he was very controversial and had more than his share of failures at the expense of the children of parents who put their child’s life in his hands.
I feel so sorry for those fucking asshole Trump kids!
Oh for fucks sake, just go to bed Dr. Stabby.
I do too. And to think only Tiffany was smart enough to take herself out of the mix, sorta.
Dear Dr. Carson,
When the bible says “Physician, heal thyself”, it wasn’t meant in a literal sense, especially not for a brain surgeon.
fucking A… AFLUENZA goes mainstream because idiot savant Dr Stabby says so…
thank you Daily Kos for the Dr Stabby reference…
It helps his reputation that none of his success stories are alive or competent enough to tell the truth.
Wait a minute. I love Dr. Stabby’s theme song. Or was I just pining for Santo and Johnny?
She lives in California so she might have had some sane water to drink growing up and not the NY Kool-Aid. Of course she is the offspring of the American wife, that might account for something.
@tiowally I’m dating myself but I remember that on the Top 40 list. I think Murray the K played it a lot on the radio.
Truth is she grew up with her mom, who is certifiably same, without the effluence that is her sperm donor. 'Nuff said.
Tis okay to be dated (LOL). As a musician I can tell you this: We might build on but we can never replace spontaneous brilliance. The honest among us don’t just acknowledge it, we shout it out.
“I mean, I won’t do anything to take care of them. I’ll supply funds and
she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the
kids down Central Park.”
Trump to Howard Stern, 2005
Now THAT speaks volumes, you somniloquist.
@thebishop I’ve read that interview and other similar items and how pleased he is with himself for being hands off.
You think about parenting and the name trump doesn’t come to mind. He’s been hands off with his offspring, throws money at their education and upbringing, but he’s never changed a diaper. Our girl on the other hand has written It Takes A Village and she didn’t mean Queens Village the affluent community he grew up in.
@tiowally There was also Tequila at around the same time.