Dr. Carson’s blue walls a r e . . . v. . e . .r. . .y. . . . c . a. . …l . .m . . . . …i . . . . . . . . n. . . . … g . . … .
“I don’t see” being the operative phrase in Ben’s statement.
It wasn’t meant to be helpful, Dr. Ben.
Ben: “Pssst…Donny, call me about the V period P period thing. I’m available.”
“I don’t see how that’s helpful…but I do see slavery. Lots of it. Like Obamacare and women’s health issues. And speed limits. All basically slavery. And we can’t forget about Hitler. I see him everywhere. I think he bagged my groceries the other day… Oh yeah, and prison turns people gay. I see that too.”
Maybe he should stop squinting so hard all the time and his vision would benefit…
Ben Carson nailed Mitt Romney’s betrayal of conservative and small-d democratic principles.
And then Mental Ben popped a Quaalude, sipped his Sleepy Time Tea, and returned to his dreams of pyramids and Fred, Wilma and Dino___and that sexy Kim Davis, all in Kentucky.
Wouldn’t you just love to be able to be in the room to follow up on that assertion by asking,
Dr. Carson, what, as you see it, IS “the point” that this Romney speech is “beside”?
then be allowed to leave the area to pick up your dry cleaning, attend to pressing family and personal business, do your job, watch all the conference tournaments and binge-watch March Madness whistle t horn, get your taxes done, complete all the jobs in the Job Jar, finally get around to that elective surgery you’ve been putting off, finish your novel, go on that world cruise you’ve always dreamed about, and whatever else might possibly be more important than waiting around as Dr. Carson ponders his response.
“calling the real estate mogul a smart person but “very very not smart” on foreign policy.”
Um…no. He didn’t. He said Trump says that Trump is a very smart person, then went on to criticize him some more.
“Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I’m afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart.” - Romney (according to Time transcript)
Yes, Ben. If things aren’t totally fucked up what will you have to complain about.
Has been somnabulent loser weirdo says what? And we care because??
I wonder what a tree stump would say. probably be more insightful.
Well, Dr., it’s not helpful at all but it’s so very Republican: making a lot of fuss & accomplishing nothing.
Dr. Carson is right about the way the candidates conduct themselves. I noticed at the last debate Dr. Carson said, “he would like to see less name calling and address the issues”. And I agree with him,
I absolutely believe that the media has failed us in doing its job.. They are more concerned in the spectacle and forcing their own agendas instead of
performing the service of aiding our society in making an informed decision.
The Republicans Elites are living in a bubble in Washington, talking to each other, taking a consensus among themselves and ignoring the will of the voter.
We are the United States of America. NOT the Divided States!
The speech is meant to be helpful to Mitt and no one else.
oh c’mon! please tell me you made that up!
I would not have expected you to understand, Ben. It’s a political thing. You are/were a surgeon/medical guy so there’s absolutely no reason you should understand something you have zero experience in. As I have tried to tell you. In order to become president you need to serve in some lesser capacity to understand how to be political…how to govern. What you tried to do is the equivalent to attempting brain surgery without finishing high school much less college, medical school a year or two internship and a 3-4 yr surgical residency.
What , if anything can anyone think of that Mr. Carson did over his entire campaign that WAS helpful…