Discussion: Carson: Romney’s Anti-Trump Offensive Isn’t ‘Helpful’

You want me to get started now ???

Whenever Carson is correct about something, it’s uncannily for the wrong reasons.


OMFG, if you ever wondered whatever happened to Dancing David Gregory, I just turned on CNN and they recycled and repurposed that asshole into one of their newest political commentators. Wow…how low can CNN go? Time to click that shit off.

These people never seem to go away…They just salvage the parts and reconstruct some kind of fucking clone for a different channel.


“who will help Trump make inroads to the black community: Farrakhan or Carson?”

"decisions, decisions "

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David Gregory: an absolute shill for the GOP. Never has a reporter fawned more over a losing candidate as Gregory has for years over McCain…his president.


and here I thought RMoney won the internet today…

I stand corrected, we’ll played Sir.

When Yahoo! host Katie Couric asked Carson whether he agreed with Romney’s criticisms, he dodged the question.

…and continued.

“I read all the newpapers Katie, all of them”


The grift is strong in this one.


Typical doctor, though. Language is often subordinated to other skills.


why am I sitting at this green light in the right lane with my left turn signal on? and why are people honking and waving one finger?


I don’t have much good to say about Ben Carson, but I do kind of love that the VERY FIRST THING he apparently did after quitting the race was put on his [tan suit][1].

Take THAT, Republicans!
[1]: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/08/peter-king-outraged-over-obamas-tan-suit.html

Even a stopped clock…

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Who asked you?

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No 2016 Presidential campaign kitsch collection will be considered complete without …
a pure white Trump Cap,

an Oliver Please Sir, May I Have Some More Cup:

Carson’s Kit:

a Saved By Jesus Belt Buckle:

and a pair of Not Helping Mittens.


“Whether there’s legitimacy to it is beside the point,” Carson said.

Whatever you say Ben…just back away from the ledge…

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“I don’t see how that’s helpful.” (Ben Carson, M.D.)

Well, sweetie, let’s face it – there’s a lot you don’t see.


Get back in the closet ben…geezus

I’m going to hand it to the Dr. For the smartest comment by all the candidates for GOP in 2016 plus one from 2012 combined. Really. What does The equity capitalist add to the discussion, other than more comedy and irony?

Of course is not helpful. Romney thinks of the presidency in terms of you know, running the country. GOP voters do not care for that, they they are deeply hurt by negroes in their restaurants and schools (and for god’s sake, in the white house), Indians in their workplaces, muslims in the same planet, and mexicans pretty much everywhere, and they want revenge. They will vote for whoever signals such thing.

Uncle Ben is probably too dumb to realize that he was a front-runner for a while with a slogan “Heal, Inspire, Revive”. That went to hell once the insults and the revanchist message from Trump got going.