Discussion: Carson Op-Ed: Obama Used 'Anti-Semitic Themes' To Defend Iran Nuclear Deal

Discussion for article #239466

Are we to think Dr. Carson actually knows a damn thing about the deal? He doesnā€™t seem to know shit about anythingā€¦making him like most surgeons I know.


Maybe Iā€™m completely tone deaf, but I donā€™t recall Obama making any anti-Semitic remarks, coded or otherwise.And since Dr. Carson didnā€™t provide any examples I can only conclude that this is yet another example of Republicans just ā€˜making shit up.ā€™


People who use hyperbole are worse than Hitler.


I wouldnā€™t mind betting that not a few Israeli readers are scratching their heads [or yarmulkes] over this ā€œessayā€


Ben who?


Keep perspective and laugh.

This is a black man running for the nomination of the republican party. So making an appeal to American Jews to cross over and vote for him is perfectly in keeping with the comedy routine.


To paraphrase a line from ā€œPrincess Brideā€:
Dr. Ben, I donā€™t think the term ā€œanti-Semiticā€ means what you think it means.

But then, Carson has never been one to let reality undermine his over-the-top rhetoric.
One is not an Israel-resenting anti-Semite simply for questioning the decisions and actions of the Israeli government, nor for seeking a peaceful resolution to our differences with the Iranian government, nor for engaging in dialog with leaders of the American Muslim community, nor for suggesting that the U.S. State Department has taken an excessively dogmatic, non-pragmatic approach to Middle East diplomatic endeavors under previous administrations.

If this were the case, then a significant proportion of the Israeli Jewish population would need to be labeled as ā€œanti-Israelā€, as they too have questioned the policies of their own
government in its dealings with the Palestinians and the nationā€™s Arab neighbors.
And considering that Bibiā€™s party barely retained control of the Israeli Parliament, it would seem that Obamaā€™s viewpoints are shared by many of Israelā€™s own citizens.

Bottom line: The POTUS is more concerned about the needs of the American people than he is about the wants of Bibiā€™s administration ā€¦ as he should be.

Which begs the question: where exactly do the loyalties of these hawkish conservatives lie?


He didnā€™t. The antisemitism in all this is Carsonā€™s. Heā€™s pitching American Jews as foolsā€¦and using them.


Iā€™m Jewish. I support this deal. Ben Carson can go fuck himself.


Ben really needs to be examined ā€” neurologically ā€”


Youā€™re in the majority.


Standard inflammatory Carson mumblingā€¦


The first president to hold a Passover Seder at the White House. Some anti-semite!


Bless his heart, heā€™s tries sooooooo hard to make impactful statements .


Thank you for that reminder (seven years in a row). I found this at whitehouse.gov, complete with wonderful sounding menu.

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Instead they come out woeful

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Which begs the question: where exactly do the loyalties of these hawkish conservatives lie?

This question is precisely what the Right are claiming is an anti-Semetic meme ā€“ instead of seeing GOP opposition on all those points as being based on the merits, it implies a loyalty to another group.

In fact, this whole imbroglio as very little to do with the merits of the agreement and a great deal to do with right wing blind opposition to anything Obama. If Israel did not exist, the GOP would have to invent it.

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Ben Carson can go fuck himself.

Objection: Assumes facts not in evidence.

Very true, and if Carson were someone I talked to Iā€™m sure Iā€™d have told him a million times by now not to exaggerate.

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