Hasn’t Cruz or Huckabee already beaten him to it on that?
Oh, I see.
It was all gay rights (perfectly great) and now it’s BLM.
That one is going to be harder to achieve, unfortunately.
Dr Ben is a ssslllllllooooowwww learner in subjects other than surgery. I’ve known other savants like him.
Figured I would
Ouija board.
Modern Planned Parenthood is to Margaret Sanger as modern GOP is to Abraham Lincoln. Their positions have, shall we say, evolved.
Except everyone knows there’s no such thing as Evolution.
In your FACE, librul!
Hey, it was just a theory of mine.
“Well, in cases of rape and incest, I would hope that they would very
quickly avail themselves of emergency room,” Carson said. “And in the
emergency room, they have the ability to administer, you know, RU-486,
other possibilities, before you have a developing fetus.”
Somebody needs to ship Dr Ben some kevlar body armor…stat. he’s gonna have the anti-abortion people on his case.
No kidding. I guess he’s not a “life begins at conception” kinda guy. Or maybe he has a nuanced definition of conception.
If there had ever been any doubt that Carson is a right wing tool…
These people have such a fascination with Nazis. Don’t they understand or even know that Nazis were right-wing?
Did you know that Ben Carson hates black people? It’s true, he was once heard discussing Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, who was known for her racism and belief in eugenics.
They think Lincoln would have been a Republican in 2015. So no, they don’t understand much at all.
Man, this tired old saw.
Eugenics is a theory of improving hereditary qualities by socially controlling human reproduction. Eugenicists, including the Nazis, were opposed to the use of contraception or abortion by healthy and “fit” women. In fact, Sanger’s books were among the very first burned by the Nazis in their campaign against family planning. Let me repeat that, her books were among the first books the Nazis burned. Furthermore Sanger helped several Jewish women and men and others escape the Nazi regime in Germany.
The more salient point however is that Sanger clearly identified with the broader issues of health and fitness that concerned the early 20th-century eugenics movement, which was enormously popular and well-respected during the 1920s and '30s — decades in which treatments for many hereditary and disabling conditions were unknown. But Sanger always believed that reproductive decisions should be made on an individual and not a social or cultural basis, and she consistently and firmly repudiated any racial application of eugenics principles. For example, Sanger vocally opposed the racial stereotyping that effected passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, on the grounds that intelligence and other inherited traits vary by individual and not by group.
Though she tried for years, Sanger was unable to convince the leaders of the eugenics movement to accept her credo that “No woman can be free who does not own and control her body.” Her on-going disagreement with the eugenicists of her day is clear from her remarks in The Birth Control Review of February 1919:
“Eugenists imply or insist that a woman’s first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her first duty to the state. We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that it is her right, regardless of all other considerations, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother. … Only upon a free, self determining motherhood can rest any unshakable structure of racial betterment” — Sanger, 1919a.
Although Sanger uniformly repudiated the racist exploitation of eugenics principles, she agreed with the “progressives” of her day who favored:
Incentives for the voluntary hospitalization and/or sterilization of people with untreatable, disabling, hereditary conditions
The adoption and enforcement of stringent regulations to prevent the immigration of the diseased and “feebleminded” into the U.S.
Placing so-called illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, and dope-fiends on farms and open spaces as long as necessary for the strengthening and development of moral conduct
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) has repeatedly and clearly stated that they finds these views objectionable and outmoded. Nevertheless, anti-family planning activists and idiots like Ben Carson continue to dishonestly attack Sanger, who has been dead for nearly 40 years, because she is an easier target than the unassailable reputation of PPFA and the contemporary family planning movement. However, attempts to discredit the family planning movement because its early 20th-century founder was not a perfect model of early 21st-century values is like disavowing the Declaration of Independence because its author, Thomas Jefferson, bought and sold slaves.
The rhetoric of the antis has become so increasingly shrill and single-minded, it has gotten to the point where you could be forgiven for thinking it must be part of their long-term plan to swell the ranks of the poor and the wretched.
Maybe I sound a bit hysterical myself, but for them to completely ignore the facts about PP’s real, and enduring mission - to help women to be mothers by choice - well, it just makes them sound like people who’ve never come to terms with the modern world. Hence their (very psychologically revealing) crapping all over Hillary Clinton at every opportunity…
Oh, and I wonder if any of the people baying about Margaret Sanger being a racist eugenicist ever heard that her mother died at age 50 after eighteen pregnancies. Would they choose to take those odds themselves??
How many patients has this gifted neurogsurgeon kept ‘alive’ with their heart beating after he knew that their brain was dead?
The plea to respect a beating heart is pure mindless sentimentality — every bit of meat we put on the table comes from something that had a beating heart. That is not what makes something a person.
Geez, these Republicans love teh crazy, don’t they? Is it any wonder why this asswipe is in second place in Iowa?
You do realize when you imply Dr. Carson doesn’t have a functional brain you are talking about a man who was considered the number one pediatric neurosurgeon in the WORLD, not some community agitator?
Dr. Carson, why is a child who is the product of rape or incest, or who poses a threat to the life of a mother less entitled to life than one who is not?
More important, however: what business is it of yours what a woman does with her body?
It is sad to see an apparently respected surgeon demeaning himself in this way.