Discussion: Carson Links Backlash Against Indiana Anti-Gay Law To Religious Persecution

Discussion for article #234842

Dr. Carson is absolutely right…intolerance of other people’s religion has made it necessary for bigoted Christians to pass such laws.


Rowan Williams tells ‘persecuted’ western Christians to grow up
Former archbishop of Canterbury says UK and US Christians exaggerate ‘mild discomfort’,

“When you’ve had any contact with real persecuted minorities you learn to use the word very chastely,” he said. “Persecution is not being made to feel mildly uncomfortable. ‘For goodness sake, grow up,’ I want to say.”

Think I’ll go with the Archbish on this one


Can you imagine a brain surgeon that is not aware of brain difference between gays and straights? That’s right, Ben Carson!!! Heaven help anyone that is operated on by him.


Indeed he is correct. Do you know how many of my Christian brothers and sisters have been rounded up, forced to wear distinctive clothing and had their shops vandalized? WHERE ARE YOU, ERIC HOLDER???


So I checked California’s website that shows a list of sex offenders in my area. To my surprise, there was only one resident who was a sex offender. When I drove past his house, he had a sign of Ben Carson taped to his house.

So, yeah.


Dr. Carson — Still not ready for elected office beyond local dog catcher.


AMerICA is INTOLErant OF MY right TO hate PEOPLe WHO are DIFferent!11!1!1!1one1!1!!!



has huge tracts of land to sell to you…

This man will never be President.


Ben Carson - Rebirther of a Nation.


I’m sure there are more churches in the state of (insert any state name here) than there are coffee shops and convenience stores.

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Yeah, but he’s working hard at it.

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Hell, he’s not even qualified to be a dog catcher!!


And what would the reaction be if someone decided to ban christians from their business because it’s against their religion to support hate groups?

As an individual, you can do whatever you want, but if you want to step into the marketplace and open a business, the rules change. A business isn’t a person. A business doesn’t have religion. If you don’t want to serve all of the public with your business activities, then don’t open a business. You don’t have a right to open a business and it’s not for everyone.


And heeeeee’s out!

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So Ben admits this new law is discriminatory and he supports it? Scratch Ben Carson and you might find a white racists in there.


What’s a dog ever done to deserve that?


If you want to practice your religion DO SO in your home, or temple! When you run a BUSINESS, you leave your religion at home.
You don’t want to do business with gays? Fine. Choose a profession that allows you to avoid such dealings. Open a “Christian” book store. Otherwise, stop trying to shove your religion down other people’s throats while hiding behind your bullshit religious dogma.
What it really comes down to is that “Christians” have been in near-total power for centuries that they cannot conceive of a world where they are no longer in absolute dominion. This is where the phony persecution complexes come from. What they REALLY fear is that if they lose their grip on power, that those they’ve been shitting on for centuries will pay them back, in kind and they KNOW what horrors could befall them then. They don’t want to pay their karma debts. However, they don’t do anything lessen the payback, but go out of their way to make things WORSE!
In trying to hold off an imagined payback, they push hard enough that that payback may become inevitable. It’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy.


WHY does Carson continue to step in it with regards to gays and lesbians?