Discussion: Carson Leads Trump In New Iowa Poll

Discussion for article #242038

Poor JEB!

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The Donald will pull out all stops to end this and take Iowa back…and thus he unveils a new tonsorial creation: “Homage to Iowa”!

If that doesn’t work, he will sue Iowa into submission.


When told of the good news, Dr. Knowlittle smiled: “Yassir’…I got this all sewed’ up!”


The Iowa GOP once again doing its job of spotlighting the stupid.

All Carson has to do is say, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” and the Iowa Republicans will be stupid enough to vote for him, just like they did for Joni Ernst!


Carson said, “God, you be the neurosurgeon; I’ll be the hands.”

Can we expect him to say ¨“God, you be the President; I’ll be the fingers on the nuclear football”?


Yee-haw! Iowa shows how relevant it is! Once again, they’ll have santorum all over their face!


After giving the nod to Santorum and Huckabee Iowa has become far less relevant to the Republicans.


Here comes The Donald’s barrage of anti-Carson tweets in 3…2…1…


that is hilarious…

as a native iowan, i am forever mystified by iowa politics. the friggin state is schizo – it’s one of most progressive evidenced by being the first in the nation to advance minority and women’s rights; was among the first to approve same sex marriage… and, then, you have the carson supporters.


It´s half way between Minnesota and Missouri, both figuratively and literally.

This is all about the Evangelical Christianist voters that form the core of the GOP base. If you polled the typical Carson supporter in Iowa, he/she would be a fervent believer in End Times, that evolution is a Satanic myth, that Adam and Eve had veggie dinosaurs for neighbors in the Garden of Eden 5,000 years ago, that Christianity should be the state religion, and that the Bible is all you need to lead the United States in the 21st century. These loons want nothing less than a theocratic state.


Iowa appears to suffer from the same ailment from which even some of the bluest states suffer, and that’s a batshit contingency that never misses an opportunity to vote and a progressive one with factions who often can’t be bothered to show up for midterm elections. Whether it’s IA, NY, or CA, Democrats have very little chance of winning if the majority of those who show up are the craziest of the crazies. That’s not an Iowa problem so much as it’s a Democratic Party problem.


Michele Bachmann also lead in Iowa at one time. So, this means absolutely nothing.

Edit to add:


Perhaps you’re reading too much into these polls. What percentage of all Iowans is represented by 20 % of its registered GOP’ers? If 25 percent of those support a Trump or a Carson about 85 % of Iowans don’t.

Maybe some have realized their need for brain surgery in the near term ? ? —


As difficult as it is for me to fathom actual human voters voting for Donald Trump, it is easy next to imagining just WHO ON EARTH would vote for the bizarre Ben Carson! WHAT is that about?

The more important national GOP polling results show that “insane whacko” candidates continue to extend their lead over “slightly less whacko” candidates, according to Pollster. It’s now 2.5:1 in favor of “insane whackos.”

Insane whacko (Trump, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Paul, Jindal, Santorum): 65.4 percent.

Slightly less whacko (Rubio, Bush, Fiorina, Christie, Kasich, Graham, Pataki): 26.1 percent

Please note: The strictly scientific criteria for “insane whacko” is based on whether supporters must be “absolutely bonkers” to support these guys. Supporters of the “slightly less whacko” candidates may be “absolutely bonkers,” or may simply be mean-spirited, ignorant or just a wee bit crazy.