Discussion: Carson Email: Media Never Dug Into Obama's Background

Discussion for article #242696

Excuse me Ben, but I believe the conservative media continues to fabricate and dig into Obama’s past way more than you seem to have the stomach for, 24/7 (i.e.: the birther movement, being muslim, being a dictator, etc…). Obama does not whine about it because it’s all BS and he has much more important stuff to do than you ever conceptualized. You whine about it because you don’t have the balls or it’s all true. Get a clue, whiner!


Grifters gonna grift.


Exactly. In this case Carson’s absolute Mr. Magoo-like cluelessness (as Josh says, with devastating precision) is entirely beside the point. This is straight up Carson Inc. fleecing the marks.

We have seen a number of Republican campaign-as-commerce operations (Gingrich, Palin, Cain, etc.). This is why he is in the race. To collect those contributions.


Clearly, based on his lack of any memory of the shit the GOP/Teatrolls invented to attack Obama’s background, Ben Carson was in fact born yesterday and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS.

Wanna disprove it, Captain Quaalude? Birth certificate please…


There are only three conclusions one can draw from Dr. Carson’s “odd” recollection of history - either he hasn’t a clue because he wasn’t interested in the slightest concerning previous elections so he never read, heard or saw ANYthing that went on, OR

he is a constant liar OR

he is delusional.

I’m not sure which is better or worse.


Actually Ben, until they start making up shit about you and your wife, the way the Right attacked Barack AND Michelle Obama (and their kids btw) you need to go sit down in the corner.


Carson forgot to mention his dog needs money for a glass eye.

All of the above.

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Just a thought, Ben, but if the media is “going off the rails”, why do you need to do anything? I would think you only need to fight if they are actually causing you problems. Are they hurting you, Ben? Do you really need my money? Or, is it that you just WANT my money?


The GOP infotainment bubble is alive and kicking as it forms a quantum reality that doesnt exist in order to encourage possible GOP voters to rally around its candidates.

The medias been riding Obamas past to make him seem unfit to be president for the last 8 fucking years. Just image what kind of president Carson could be if this any indicator of his problem solving. leadership and personality traits…


I also seem to remember Bill and Hilary going onto 60 Minutes to talk about all the past shit that was being brought up in the media and by opposition…

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Funny, the media actually dug into Obama’s background as far back as one can go, to his BIRTH!!! In fact, they even dig up stuff on his father before Obama was even born…

Then of course the “Muslim” elementary school…etc.


It’s true, I can’t recall anyone from the media or the right wing ever digging into Obama’s place of birth, his parents’ relationship, who his father was, who his mother was, his grades in college, who his friends were, his pastor, or any of the other things that Ben Carson has been probed about. It’s so one-sided and unfair.


How incredibly convenient for BC’s direct mail marketing operation.

The Daily Show had a great montage last night of all the BS spewed about Obama during the 2008 primaries.

Wingnuts have such selective memories.

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Carson’s right; since Barack Obama came to national attention in 2004, I have yet to see anyone ask questions about:

His birth
His time at Occidental College
His time at Columbia University
His time at Harvard Law
His sealed college transcripts
His time in Indonesia
His ancestry
His name
His time at Jeremiah Wright’s church

Given that not a single person has publicly inquired about any of those things, why should anyone ask anything about Ben Carson?


Also, peculiarly they never dug into his ties to terrorist Bill Ayers, his “present” votes in the legislature, or his real estate purchases. Come to think of it, they never dug into Mrs. Obama and her ‘whitey’ tape. Guess the adoring liberal media singlehandedly elected Obama. Who knew


And sell those books.

Bless your heart, Ben.
Barack Obama never lied so egregiously as you have lied. Therefore the media didn’t NEED to dig into those aspects of his background.

Now, does that help you understand better?