Discussion for article #242529
Alex Jones has nothing on Ben Carson for touting insane beliefs.
Thank goodness he’ll never be President.
This makes Reagan’s belief in astrology look mild in comparison.
Why do you even need a “personal theory” on the pyramids, anyway?! This isn’t the briefcase in Pulp Fiction. The people back then actually wrote this stuff down, ffs. The work gangs wrote stuff right there on the blocks, to say nothing of the official record!
He’s a L-U-N-A-T-I-C!
Have they ever found so much as a single grain of wheat in the pyramids? Ever? But they keep finding those pesky mummies …
Oh, and don’t think you’re off the hook just because you dug this up, Trump. He’s still gonna beat you in Iowa.
Not in the pyramids.
I’m not saying Carson’s right - he’s clearly a loon. But no one has ever found a mummy in an Egyptian pyramid, AFAIK. A couple of stone sarcophagi, to be sure, but no mummies.
The Egyptians had cats to protect the grain stored elsewhere in actual granaries.
Obviously, the Egyptians (and their cats) were far smarter than Mr. Carson.
I think that Ben Carson is an honorable person. But his recent lie about the company he once represented casts doubt on his views. His “belief” that the pyramids were used to store grain in the time of biblical Joseph is interesting but evangelicals like Carson would be wise not to be dogmatic about such things but to preface there statements with “Perhaps…” After all the Bible says nothing about the pyramids.
For those of you afraid of a “President Carson”… well, you just got one more reason.
No in situ burials have been found in pyramids. Conventional wisdom regarding Khufu and the great pyramid likely based on forgery by Howard-Vyse.
They were built about 4000+ years ago and plundered about 2000 years later, so not much remained of the interiors when modern-day historians got around to them.
Precisely. And it’s kind of tough to hide a mummy by putting it into a nice, big pyramid - pretty much an open invitation to grave robbers.
It seems this theory stems from medival Europe (and earlier). Europeans believed they were graineries built by Joesph- not that the Egyptians ever did. Eurocentric mansplaining at its finest. Ruins of some of the graineries of ancient Egypt still exist. We know what they looked like. They were not pyramids.
The Pyramids were already two thousand years old when the first Jews entered Egypt.
Also too, pyramid power kept the grain fresher longer!
What a dumb ass…they were built to keep razor blades sharp…fuckin’ moron!
Damn you beat me to it!