Discussion for article #242489
Net favouribilty among rep.voters , the fav column is interesting, JEB? is 10th belov Rand and Santorum.
no worry, JEB? can fix it…
> REPUBLICANS.......................
> Hvn't
> Fav Unfav hrdEn REF NetFav
> Carson 82 6 12 - 76
> Rubio 71 10 19 - 61
> Cruz 68 9 23 - 59
> Fiorina 69 13 18 - 56
> Huckabee 63 13 22 2 50
> Christie 57 23 19 - 34
> Trump 63 30 6 1 33
> Jindal 40 17 43 1 23
> Santorum 45 22 32 - 23
> Paul 45 34 20 2 11
> Kasich 31 23 46 - 8
> Bush 44 47 9 - -3
> Graham 22 34 43 1 -12
> Gilmore 4 20 75 1 -16
> Pataki 12 30 56 1 -18
Makes sense: two virtual candidates in a virtual tie - virtual strange political bedfellows. Take a reliable measure of either one & it becomes impossible to achieve the same level of accuracy as to the proper measure of the other. They’re like entangled virtual particles: if one of them disappears, the other must as well; like a plus charge and a minus charge, one can’t subsist without reference to the other: if one blow ups, the other soon follows.
Also below Jindal, and Kasich: he’s underwater against fringe contestants.
His campaign should start working on his Kiddie Table strategy.
Yes, net total even worse,
I am considering putting money on JEB? out before Thanksgiving…
C’mon Dr. Knowlittle! You do entertain the RepubliKKKlans…although there isn’t a chance in hell you would EVER be the nominee for that political cult.
Dance for your GOP masters. They like that!
At the moment, you’re just window dressing…and most of their low/no info voters have no idea who you are. Enjoy the attention…for now.