Discussion for article #234416
Popcorn, anyone?
It seems the R party is filled with the low lifes that no decent people would dare to hire.
Because Republicans.
Let me fix that for you … “the party is filled with people that only the Republican Party would hire.”
Thanks! Much appreciated!
Aaron Schock is looking for a job.
¨In yet another tweet Dornan said he thought Obama is "a complete sociopath."¨
Psychological projection is real, my friends.
He can “see the issue with his Twitter”? Honey, by tomorrow afternoon both you and he will both be GONE!
One thing you can say about the Teabaggers; they are totally free from the ravages of class.
He’s like Maureen Dowd. He hates everybody.
Are there really no depths to which these people will not sink? And lest we forget, this is the President of the United States we’re talking about here. Whatever happened to “respect the office”? Oh, right, we elected a Democrat. Twice. Carson and his staff are scum.
“I’m looking forward to McConnell shoving his fist up Obama’s ass. Although he will, no doubt, like it.”
Yes, he will like it, but not for the reasons you’re thinking.
What is with this Republican obsession with all things gay, male sex? They’re constantly complaining that somebody is shoving something down their throats, or that someone is forcing them to bend over, and now they’ve added fisting.
Republicans: The Party of Power Bottoms
Agreed. Believing that providing affordable healthcare to 16 million people is sociopathic pretty much means you’re probably a sociopath.
Good grief! and it’s not 2016 yet.
Whiny Power Bottoms
In the final years of the Obama Administration, the hate-filled losers who have been seething for the past 6 years are feeling this is their last chance to lash out, spew their vitriol, and then sink beneath the surface never to be seen again. See ya later mother fuckers. It’s hot down there. Dress accordingly.
It likely has to do with the altered brain chemistry due to being conservative.
Sounds like a perfect staffer for Carson, even uses his voice in his writing.
Thanks, TPM, for curating the tweets.
I’ll decline the offer to read them.
A disturbing swath of the GOP seems fixated on anal rape–not preventing it, but inflicting it.
And let’s all be clear: it’s not just a small, vocal, minority. The hordes of folks working for “possible Presidential candidates” are a little too focused on inflicting rape on others.