Discussion: Carper Wins, Anti-Establishment Wave Ebbs In Delaware

Arlett has said he would work in Washington to remove burdensome regulations on businesses…

I love this. These candidates are never very specific about which “burdensome” regulations they want to eliminate.

Apparently, it’s a burden to be prohibited from dumping your toxic waste into the bay. It’s a burden to be prohibited from telling your prospective students that 98% of the graduates of your for-profit university get glamorous six-figure jobs within a week of graduation. It’s a burden to be told that if you’re charging someone for financial advice, you have to put their interests above yours.

These damned unaccountable bureaucrats in Washington have killed off a lot of promising businesses. Just try to find a bottle of snake oil today!


What I love is the way that these frauds sometimes point to the fact that you can sue someone who wrongs you, and then turn around and legislate barriers to lawsuits.

And yeah, not every new progressive democrat is going to win their primaries in this round. Not a problem.


Delaware, where the “D” is for DINO.

Carper’s health is deteriorating noticeably. There was no good reason for him to run again.

I guess Senator Casper’s win doesn’t fit the narrative of newcomers who are more left-leaning winning primaries. Actually, while House races may be in play, the way Senate races with the fund-raising advantage for incumbents work not so much.

I didn’t see any mention of whether Harris has endorsed Caper. It is very important that Democrats remain united. When establishment Democrats have been defeated in primaries they have endorsed the winner right away. The left must do the same thing or they should never be considered again for any position.
We can not afford to do anything that causes the slightest division in this election cycle.


The primary challenge was fair. There is no problem for an incumbent to be challenged. That phase of the election process is now over. Stop the sniping. There is no good reason to detract from the primary winner other that if you want the Trumpet to win. STOP THIS DEVISIVE NONSENSE NOW.


Kerri Evelyn Harris, who had hoped to ride a growing antiestablishment wave within the party…

Two House primary victories by candidates who share a closer ethnic demographic with voters in their district in low turnout elections is hardly a “growing antiestablishment wave”. The media is wildly overstating this to continue creating a pro “Bernie Effect” narrative. It’s really more of a generational blip.


And yet, somehow, you can’t find anything in Carper’s record that indicates that he is not a Democrat. Funny how that works. And funny how much you love to bash actual Democrats rather than, oh, say, Republicans like Carper’s election opponent.


Not really a blip. Over the long term harbinger of a generational and racial shift. But expecting it to happen on internet time is impatient at best.