Oh Tucker, you’re such a naughty boy…
Really, Tucker? I’d say you bow to these guys every day …
I predict a curtsy or at least a mild genuflect in his future.
Tucker Carlson: “I will never apologize for showing who I really am in the safe confines of a radio shock jock’s studio where only like-minded frat boys should be tuning in.”
Piece of Shit shocked when labeled as piece of shit.
He’ll be gone soon
The advertisers will bail and the 30% mouth breathers ranting won’t save him
Tucker shouldn’t apologize. His comments perfectly reflect who he is and what he believes. Instead Fox should apologize for foisting the infant terrible on its evening viewers.
Of course Fox might argue that immature frat boys need their views represented too.
From Tucker’s point of view, If you are the father or brother of a 13 year old girl, well you know how it is mate. If you are the 13 year old girl, too bad you weren’t born a boy. You are nothing more than a scummy old man’s target of opportunity. If you are “lucky” he is a good evangelical and he will take care of you until the next 13 year old girl comes along.
Full text of his monologue.
"One of the only places left in the United States where independent thoughts are allowed is right here at Fox News – the opinion hours on this network. "
Yes he actually said that
Tucker Carlson, R. Kelly’s wing man.
Take note of the advertisers and notify them that you are boycotting them for supporting Tucker, and Faux Sewer, I can’t call it any type of news.
Doesn’t Tucker have a neonazi fan club?
He must be quite the Proud Boy.
Another Fox personality who believes women are inferior and is not afraid to say it, or to harass or denigrate them. What a lovely culture Murdoch and his minions have created - and you can see why Trump feels so right at home with these creeps.
In the same breath where he complains about differing ideas being shut down he decries transgender rights as “insane and dangerous”.
I’m sure the irony was lost on his audience.
The companies that advertise on Carlson’s show, not to mention those that advertise on Fox generally, should all be ashamed. Private TV networks like Fox have nothing to do with free speech. They put on whom they wish. Carlson has been putting everyone, including himself, on for years, back to his bow-tie days. Many of the executives at these firms that advertise on Fox do not understand this. It’s all about greed. Why are people snookered by these people like Carlson who obviously are saying what they say because it’s all a schtick, an act, that makes them huge amounts of money?
Wondering how long it’ll take for the young lady who was clearly in Tucker’s past to show up.
You have to understand the target audience of Fox News is older evangelical white people. Part of being an evangelical is believing women are inferior to men. Fox is just catering to its target audience, making them feel right at home.
…is an Incell
Years of women looking at him and going EEEEWWWWW
Including his daughter in private school. Can’t wait for her book to come out! What a tell-all that will be!
And… The next batch of quotes is up…
Understood and agreed to an extent. The Fox culture includes harassment, sex outside of marriage followed by settlements out of court, and statutory rape. Certainly some sects believe in child marriage - for girls, but I believe those are in the minority. So the appeal will not flow to large parts of the base. Or at least I’d like to think so. I think Tucker may be missing the mark on this. Or at least i’d Like to hope so.