Discussion for article #223948
“I’m for sale, but I want my dignity. So when you reach for where the price tag is, use lube.”
He’s a liar. Lobbying is where the Big Money is.
Typical Republican Congressman still, equivocating, and talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. Yes, some Dems do it, too, but they sort of prefer to actually work for a living after they are defeated at the ballot box, or simply retire and write an intelligent book.
Who cares Eric ?
Ex-Congressman Bitchface will end up as RNC chair. I mean. Why not? He’s every bit as good as Rinsed Pubis at parroting the crazy chit that will be written for him by his corporate masters.
I suggest he registers as a foreign agent. It is required by law if you are not an elected official.
I do wish we had record of Eric’s reaction when he was told he lost…
You can call me but it will cost $700 an hour .
Cantor indicates he may chant “there’s no smell like money” when he chooses to tap his ruby slippers three times in the near future.
His resume will indicate he never gets anything done…no big deal all you need is the IQ of a doorknob and you’re hired.
They all become lobbyists eventually, just under a different title: consultant, intermediator, interlocutor, idea-manager, soulless technocrat, whore, harlot, etc.
Follow the money and you will find that gentleman on K street along with all the rest of the leeches.
You have to not already be a lobbyist in order to not “Become” one. Mr Cantor, like so many people on both sides of the aisle, has been on the corporate “Campaign Donation” payroll from the get-go, and to intimate anything less than abject corruption is tragic and laughable.
Strictly speaking DeMint isn’t a lobbyist either.
These guys love the public welfare they cannot get a real job. So use to collecting those checks and food stamps(their perks). Go get a real job Mr. Cantor and use your skills for good instead of becoming a robber baron.
Cantor lost his soul to money in the distant past. He is also a liar. He is a genetically modified human being.