Discussion: Cantor Hits Back At Ingraham: Taliban Comment 'Cheapens The Debate'

Surprised Eric? She says that about Democrats all the time.

Hard to take a vicious Catholic wannabe that wasn’t a good Lawyer too seriously, her only requirement to be a Fox contributor is show up with Blonde hair…

"He has no sense of humor, that's why he lost," Ingraham said on ABC's "This Week" about Cantor's reaction to her Taliban comment.

Yeah. And you’re a RIOT, Laura… a REEEEALLLL RIOT!

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Not to defend the little twerp, but if I had to go into a room full of 'baggers (and potential gun fetishists) who thought I was a traitor, I’d want SWAT backup, too!

Making more popcorn.

CANTOR: “Now THAT was funny!”


Eric Cantor: Cheapening the Debate Since 2002


Ms. Ingraham, YOU have no sense of humor, which is why you say the things you do!

Or sense of decency, I might add.

Ms. Ingraham, I would trade you for five Talibani, and consider it a good day’s work.

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Cantor and Ingraham as neocons, are not aware they are a secret division of the same war company that owns the cannon fodder, Taliban.


Cantor made his bed. Now he needs to lie down in it.

Oh, perish the thought. Gross!

Oh, so now it is not a serious contribution to any public policy debate and it cheapens the debate when a non-Democrat is offered up as an alternative to trade for Bergdahl.

I notice that Cantor had nothing to say about that cheapening the debate when Rand Paul said that five Democrats should have been traded for Bergdahl.

P.S. Note to CONservatives/TeaBaggers/LiberTardians when it comes to your trying to figure out if you are being racist or not: You know you are a racist when you said nothing about cheapening the debate when members of the Party that is fighting for African Americans were the victims, but have a problem when someone who is not a member of the Party that is fighting for African Americans is the victim.


Laura Ingraham and Eric Cantor should go to a steak house together and talk their tiff over. There’s still plenty of steak and shrimp cocktail in the campaign funds.

Can’tor and Ingrain. Regular comedians.

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" And frankly it cheapens the debate."

In other words, don’t cheapen my speaking fees.

People like her control the Republican party. How does it feel to be on the receiving end of their stupid comments? Unfortunately, too many people like her with the IQ of bumblebees believe her crap. I cannot believe she said it, but she and the other girl in drag…Coulter… are both crazies.

She’s disgusting.

LI ? Cheap?

Not many hookers around who make more than she does, Eric.