Discussion: Cantor Hits Back At Ingraham: Taliban Comment 'Cheapens The Debate'

Did he also chastise the idiot who said Democrats should have been traded for Bergdahl? No? Didn’t think so. Only when it was directed at him.


I am very distressed by all these tasteless denunciations of such a great patriotic and selfless American who has sacrificed his political life for the good of the Tea Party.

There is no honor among thieves.

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Ass, meet teeth.

Just one hatchet-faced republicon bashing another.

Ingraham does cheapen the debate, but that’s a feature, not a bug.

Besides, giving Cantor to the Taliban wouldn’t be a trade. More like an interdepartmental transfer.


Eye bleach! Stat!


Want some cheese with that whine, Earache?

Bewildering, isn’t it Eric … the circular firing squad?


Everyone here is most likely aware that Ingraham was a huge Brat supporter? I see this as doing what Republicans do best, and that is punching down and kicking Cantor to make sure he knows.

Both Cantor and Ingraham do nothing but cheapen any debate they take part in.


It’s a GOP tradition. They don’t give a fuck about any issue unless it affects them personally (even it just offends their sensibilities).

The entire ‘conservative’ movement is predicated on varying degrees of sociopathy.


I don’t have anyone to root for.

/getting more popcorn from the bowl

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NEWS FLASH : Eric Cantor just now notices that the Rightwing Noise Machine™ is full of rumors, malicious gossip and lies. He was completely OK with it until recently.


Eric Cantor is now meaningless. So please quit wasting time posting kardashian like garbage info on this has been now nobody little bitch.


When doesn’t it cheapen the debate when a republican opens their mouth?

Inghram is the ‘Sarah Palin’ of Fox, oh wait Sarah Palin is paid by Fox too. How about they are one in the same, they both want the last word, they both feel more important than they are, they both make jokes and expect people to take it, but don’t joke about them cuz then it’s unpatriotic, unAmerican, unFamily, un un un un un…the only difference is the Inghram has a steady income from the hate machine, Palin is still trying.

But not a peep from this hypocrite when Rand Paul made the same joke about Democrats?


hypoctite! it’s called karma, cantor, abd it’s a b***h!!

cantir did not loose because he has no sense of humor! he lost because his constituents hate him that would explain the three bodyguards he had.

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Quick, somebody cue up “Let’s Stay Together”.