Discussion: Can Liberals Actually Pull Off 'Long Shot' Upset Of Top House GOPer?

Discussion for article #229197

We’re going to see how well Dr. Lessig’s MaydayPAC is going to work not only in this district but in the Kansas Senate race as well.

Upton’s campaign manager’s first comment when Mayday came into the race was “Lessig is a Massachusetts billionaire”. Aren’t all Harvard professors super rich? Elizabeth Warren is probably in the .1% thanks to her years at Harvard. Upton’s camkpaign manager was whining like a child with a scraped knee. All this from the guy supported by super PAC’s that don’t disclose donors while Mayday discloses all donors and is primarily crowdfunded.

Fred Upton used to be fine for the area he represented. He was always moderate and reasonable. The Tea Party here has been nipping at his heels the entire time. They have pulled him ridiculously to the right. He refused to engage them in debates leading up to the primary and now he backed out of the only one on one debate with an Ebola hearing as the reason and has refused to reschedule again citing Ebola as his primary concern.

It is unfortunate for Upton but, more importantly, unfortunate for his district.

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The odd thing is Lessig and his top advisors are Republican-leaning in both past history and philosophy. It’s just the Republicanism that used to be. “I like Ike” types.

Unfortunately, I fear that the PAC’s devotion to its Prime Directive is going to result in Roberts winning a plurality, because they’re backing the guy who’s in third place.

Howie Klein has maintained that Upton’s district is winnable for years, but the DCCC has refused to get involved.

Think 2008… and $ister$arah’s non-concession speech.

Think 2012… and KarlRove 's Fox Meltdown.

It could happen… a la Judy Tenuta…Goddess of Judyism…

Howard Deans 50 state strategy ought to be applied. I don’t know why they don’t contest more districts. Take Paul Broun “lies from the pit of hell”. In 2012 he had no opponent so 4000 voters wrote in Charles Darwin. All it takes is a swing of 20 or so districts for Democrats to retake control.