Discussion: Can Kellyanne Conway Save Trump From Himself?


It is rather bad, when it is the campaign manager/management and not the candidate, which is the story

It distracts from señor HO’s messages 
 or maybe you want the distraction ?


It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway:

  1. If it’s this difficult to get the candidate to move off of self-destructive behavior and to listen to professional advice, then there’s something seriously wrong with the candidate.

  2. All of this is, as another infamous political figure put it, putting “lipstick on a pig”. Trump has already revealed his true character many times over, and any effort to make him more palatable is just a cover up.

Conway, who when working for Cruz castigated Trump and called him unacceptable, is participating in an effort to deceive the American people as to who and what Trump really is. She has chosen money over principle.


I heard she can deal with toddlers
 so she has ever so slightly higher than zero chance of being able to deal with Drumpf. Not a good chance, just not zero.



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[quote] "
Conway is sticking around because she believes he is a better choice and wants to do everything she can to help the party in the election

if she thought this was already a fait accompli she wouldn’t waste her time or the time of friends she is going to be recruiting to help.” [/quote]

Good try making this sound noble. She’s smart enough to know that if she can even wipe a bit of lipstick off of this pig, she’s gonna be rolling in dough for the rest of her career. She doesn’t even have to help him get to election – Todd Akin was also beyond saving


Kellyanne Conway

A softer con since the hard con doesn’t seem to be working? One way or another, the entire campaign is a con. Ms Conway’s task seems to be to convince the women of America that Trump isn’t the asshole he says he is.


She’ll last until Trump sees someone other than himself getting credit for improving the campaign.


Trump will change as long as he doesn’t have to do or say anything differently. Conway will stay as long as Steve Bannon lets her. In any case I hope she got paid up front lol.


Why does Conway hate our country? Who does she think is going to ‘get through’ to him on issues should he become President? Congress is certainly not going to be able to control him, it’s a Gnome Undetpants theory of governance:

  1. Elect Trump
  2. ?
  3. Paradise.

With Bannon on one shoulder and Conway on the other, and Drumpf deaf in one ear, we shouldn’t have to wait long to see which ear it is


Please. The only people who envision this as a turning point are the more desperate, reality-denying Republicans and Mark Halperin-type hack journalists who think a “pivot” is inevitable because there’s always been one before. Trump has continually made grudging nods to necessity and normality, and it never comes off well or lasts for long. Gotta be a Bible-thumper? Great, check out my quote from Two Corinthians. I’ve shocked and sickened every decent American repeatedly? Well, sometimes I say things the wrong way, and I regret it, sure whatever, believe it or not. Some people strive to learn, change, improve, but Trump is flagrantly not one of them. With people like Trump, past behavior is very much the guide to the future. Trump will continue to be Trump, Conway will not save him from himself, and it’s going to be a long, long two months. Don’t believe me, GOP goofs? Think a new Trump’s a-borning and everything will be fine? Here are his last two tweets, fresh off the griddle:

Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 22, 2016

Tried watching low-rated @Morning_Joe this morning, unwatchable! @morningmika is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 22, 2016

Hope she has high and energy and a “EXCELLENT” memory.She is going to need it (Memory) that is,she was on the tube at least here on the East Coast 7 am explaining Trump and it’s only , Monday.


In fairness, there are two conclusions possible:

  1. She has chosen money over principle; or,
  2. She truly believes that as unacceptable as Trump is, Hillary is worse.

I hold that conclusion 2 carries with it a further conclusion: Ms Conway is incapable of fairly evaluating any candidate with a (D) after the name. That being the case, no one ought to care what she thinks about the candidates, because she is either a sell-out or a partisan hack.


The Quisling witch flew in on Carly’s broomstick.


She is pimping Trump and trying to convince us that he is not really a fat, angry, money grubbing old sociopath but really that handsome, kind, high school football quarterback who will respect us on the prom date. Don’t get in the limo when it pulls up.


In a word No! This is nothing more than the new MSM narrative that Kellyanne Conway will breath fresh life into Tump’s chaotic campaign because she is so “likable.” In reality Conway is just as much of a liar, dissembler, misinformer and hard-right ideologue as her past bosses, including Cruz and Trump. Yesterday, she claimed to George Steph. that Trump does not personally insult people, and she wouldn’t stand for it as a mother of four children. Then she proceeded to call Hillary Clinton the “most joyless” candidate ever. Nice job Kellyanne. By the way Georgie boy, just allowed the lie about Trump and her own personal insult if HRC to go unchallenged.


Dissembling Kellyanne should save her own ass before she gets in too deep as Trumpapologist In Chief


“You cannot underestimate the impact this can have on major donors.”

“Uh, well how about — zero?”

“No, actually, less than that.”


The woman who brought us Todd Akin now wants to bring us Trump.

Whatever, Kellyanne.