Discussion: Calif. Gov. Orders Water Restrictions As State Grapples With Major Drought

Discussion for article #234925

As necessary as this is, and despite the amazing job Brown has done in CA to restore fiscal stability, I am sure this will be mocked by the same types who decry any regulations that promote the common good as “big government interference.”

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Time’s a wastin’ for changing commercial agricultural practices regarding more efficient use of water. A widespread (mandatory?) use of carbon sequestration on farmlands via intensive application of biochar will give greater crop yields with less water, increase soil fertility while reducing the use of petroleum-based fertilizer, and reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide to boot! Make terra preta available everywhere for present and future generations!

The western drought is already here. It is projected to reach population-clearing severity between 2030 qnd 2050. Practical, effective actions begun in 2015 are very late in the game, but better late than never.

The time to hesitate is through if we want future mires to wallow in!

Unfortunately, the real abusers of the water system are agricultural users, particularly ground nut production. This is amazingly water intensive, and high profitable…at a high public cost. Not surprisingly, a large amount of ground nut production has been bought out by Wall Street investment banks and funds. This will make it highly politically dangerous to go after these crops, but the amount of water they use is incredible…