Discussion for article #225439
I bet Laura Ingraham says this is a distraction from something.
Another persecuted Responsible Gun Owner.
Damn Obama and his hatred of the one part of the Constitution that Real Americans care about!
Part of the well regulated militia no doubt.
yeah from obama’s visit to california
The deputy was shot on Tuesday and they are just now looking for the guy? The timeline on this story is pretty unclear.
Yes. I’ve been thinking a lot about the 2nd Amendment, given the right’s sudden embrace that the preciseness of words is to be exalted about all else.
I want proof that gun owners in my community are indeed part of a practicing and well-regulated militia. If not, no more guns - end of story. Words matter, right?
Have they checked Clive Bundy’s ranch? I’d be willing to bet he’s one of theirs.
Ordinarily I am aghast at gun nutbags shooting cops - it just isn’t good protocol - however I have NO sympathy for the riverside county sheriffs whom are one of the most corrupt police agencies in the state of California. That said - I do hope the CHP catches this dumbass before he shoots anyone else that isn’t a riverside county sheriff.
Again, and again, and again.
A culture shift where breasts aren’t evil and guns aren’t cool may be the only option remaining.
You don’t know the first thing about the deputy who was shot. This is as prejudiced as stating all Mexicans are lazy or all blacks are thieves or all white people are rich gun owners. For all you know, this was the one good deputy in the bunch. I dislike generalizations like this without evidence. Reminds me to much of the same people you just mentioned. I guess it has to start somewhere… ;(
Couple 'a militiamen out for a lark.
He’s under the saving Grace of Our Lard Jeezus Crispy, so it’s all OK. Shoot them all and let gawd judge, YEE-HAW!
Well sure, the proper punishment for corruption should be summary execution via assault rifles. Thanks for sharing your vision of justice here!
If everyone had to carry an AR-15, we wouldn’t need those jackbooted gumment thugs! Why, we’d all be our own police force, judge, and jury!
This has been a test of the Emergency Snark System. We now return to our regularly scheduled sarcasm.
One way to stop a good guy with a gun, is a bad guy with a bigger gun.
It just isn’t good protocol. Yeah, just like lynching blacks, raping women, and murdering children; it’s all just bad protocol–ordinarily.
Josh’s article says he shot the sheriff. This article says he shot the deputy. Which is it? I’m putting my money on the former. They’re going to catch him, and he’s likely to say, “I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.”
Ordinarily I would be all snarky about this and ask if we now need a good guy with a guy and armor piercing bullets to stop the bad guy with a gun and body armor, but i can’t. I’m just too sad about the state of things. May the police catch this man before someone else gets hurt or killed.
Another victory for Gun Culture USA™! Remember, those are Freedom Bullets people are being killed by.