To be “fair,” shouldn’t he have given 60% of his endorsement to Clinton and 40% to Sanders?
This endorsement is rigged!
Jerry Brown Well-Known Establishment Shill
“Polls show Sanders closing in on Clinton’s double-digit lead in the state. Over the weekend, the Washington Post reported Clinton changed her schedule to spend more time campaigning in California.”
Giddyup journalism at its best.
Clinton up by 13
And where do you expect her to spend her time? In NJ where she has a 2:1 lead?
He would have made a great president.
Thank you, Jerry. As a man of near impeccable judgment, Brown should seal the deal for a lot of people. And believe me, he has campaigned on issues that Sanders might have found agreeable: but Jerry won, and Sanders didn’t. And Jerry knows how to govern, really govern.
An establishment shill? You haven;t a clue if you think Brown is an establishment shill
I love my governor
Look at the last line. Snark font
Sorry, yes! Snark. I love my governor, too!
I love Gov. Brown. Voting for Browns for Gov in CA is a family tradition. My parents were big Pat Brown supporters.
Except, of course, that Jerry Brown is one of the most progressive governors in the country, and has revived California after the disaster that was Ah-nuld as governor.
Brown’s governance, his policy positions, and his general tone are models for Democrats who want to win.
Your snark is over the heads of a lot of folks!
Yes, exactly. If I were still on the fence about who to support (I’m not) this would give me a huge reason to vote for Hillary. Jerry Brown is awesome.
Jerry Brown represents the establishment Democratic party and its coziness with Wall Street fat cats. Your snark is not appreciated.
hoW dAre yoU WriTe wiTHOut rANdoM caPS!
Oh brother. Here comes more complaining and whining about “unfairness” and “rigging” from Team Unicorn. “Waaaaah, Governor Moonbeam is putting his thumb on the scales…”
Can’t wait for this one to be over, but I feel that Bernie’s going to pretty much just kidnap the fat lady and cut her tongue out.
“It’s not over because I’m still running!”
“Yes, but the math, sir…”
“Fine! It’s not over because I’m still suing!”
Brown has in fact aligned with Sanders-like issues in the past, e.g. when he ran for president in 1992 on a “We the People” pledge to accept no contribution over $100. but primarily he’s an unwavering Democrat.
The California Democratic Party stands as a model of electoral success and cohesion, in contrast to national Democrats struggling through a divisive primary and debate about an uncertain future.
California is one of the few states in the country, and easily the largest, where Democrats are completely in control, holding every statewide office as well as overwhelming majorities in the Assembly and the Senate, not to mention both United States Senate seats. Mr. Brown and his party are using that power to try to enact legislation — on guns, tobacco, the environment, the minimum wage and immigrant rights — that suggest the kind of agenda that has eluded national Democrats.
The window is May 4 to May 16, so a little older than PPIC and SurveyUSA (3-day overlap with the earlier part of the PPIC window). This does make it PPIC even more of an outlier… it’s just not a new piece of info we want to see.
Let’s hope we’ll see one more from Field…
I would bet you’d rejoice if he endorsed Sanders, which would make him a hero of the proletariat.
Well, in fairness Brown is a super delegate and we all know they should not be allowed to have an opinion until the convention.