Discussion for article #243465
Love my Governor
Mean People + Guns = Tragedy
Mean People - Guns = Mean People
Action to remove guns from society + Action to block all removals = Inaction = Tragedy
Christian Extremism = Islamic Extremism
Poor Insight + Extreme Beliefs = WWIII
Creating a back door for terrorists is a feature, rather than a bug.
- Create back door for terrorists with lax gun laws.
- Point out that the terrorists are heavily armed.
- Point out that the only way to protect yourself from armed terrorists is to buy guns.
- ???
- Profit!
Religious craziness + guns = bad stuff happens. Won’t improve until both causes are gone.
Speaking of Abrahamic religions, there is a core virtue of being willing to kill when those internal voices start talking. Bob Dylan picked up on it ages ago.
Oh, God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son”
Abe said, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on”
God said, “No”–Abe say, “What?”
God say, “You can do what you want, Abe, but
The next time you see me comin’, you better run”
Well, Abe said, “Where d’you want this killin’ done?”
God said, “Out on Highway 61”
“America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?” American-born al-Qaeda spokesmen Adam Yahiye Gadahn said in a message to followers in 2011.
Not only that. The GOP poseurs who claim to be tough on terror all get a poll boost when gun violence occurs, and gun sales go way up.
The Republicans feed the delusion that (a la Carson) anyone could be an action hero if only they had a gun.
Every time some lunatic uses legally-acquired weapons and ammo to slaughter people, the blood of the victims is on all of those who lobbied for laws to allow that to take place.
Build a wall.
It’s not just gun manufacturers but also the defense industry that’s benefitting at the expense of American lives.
Because if civilians are permitted to have military style weapons, well, it stands to reason law enforcement will want weaponry that’s even more potent. Which is why we see tanks/robots and all style of vehicles that look like they came out of Robocop on American streets. Which ultimately benefit the defense industry.
For not reporting on this NON-STOP
For not hammering every word-salad muttering GOP slimeball in interviews
For what Mann and Ornstein call “False Equivalence”
The MSM is Criminally and Homicidally Negligent.
FOX is a cheerleader.
The more damaging MSM create reality for hundreds of millions of people.
As someone who does not reside in Ca. I have always been a fan. I even voted for him in the 1980 and 1992 presidential primaries.
Back in the day, we called him Governor Moonbeam. His signature is on my B.Sc. I was happy then it was his rather than Ronnie Raygun’s then. I’m even happier now. I’d love to trade John Kasich for Jerry Brown, but Team California would probably require too many players to be named later.
Do, however, consider exporting some of your capable Democrats to us in the hinterlands.
There are many things with respect to guns which should be illegal, in my opinion, but common sense says it should not be possible to buy weapons which can be modified to fire automatically.
How is that of any value besides to massacre wholesale quantities of people?
States with sensible gun laws should build walls against a state that borders them that don’t have gun laws. Instead of building a fence on the border of Mexico, California should build a fence that borders Nevada and Arizona.
California Gov. Jerry Brown blamed the neighboring states of Nevada and Arizona
for creating a “gigantic back door” for terrorists with their lax gun laws
Oh, sure thing Governor.
Got any proof to back up that assertion?
Based on recent studies, the population of the US is approx 320 million. There are 112.6 privately owned firearms per 100 adults & children living in the US. That amounts to 360,320,000 privately owned firearms. Far more per capita than any other country in the world, by a factor of about 2:1 to Serbia who ranks #2.
Approx 22.4% of the US population owns firearms. That is about 71.7 million gun owners with about 5 firearms each. However, per the Congressional Research Service, the average American gun owner owned 8.1 firearms in 2013.
To say that America is awash in firearms is a gross understatement.
Slightly off thread, but it appears that attention is completely diverted from the radicalized Christianic terrorist in Colorado Springs, and now this decidedly grotesque and heinous act has consumed all the oxygen from a media only to happy to avoid confronting the issue of Christianic terrorism. We didn’t even get broad consensus that radical Christian should be called a terrorist, let alone a radicalized Christianic terrorist.
Tonight the President will be discussing the terrorist threat. So far, every indication is that will be exclusively limited to Islamic terrorism.
So yet another act of radical Christianic terrorism will pass into memory in as unremarkable a manner as those in the past have done. That portends things will have to get a lot worse before they get better. But we knew that I suppose.