Apparently, Cohen just confirmed what the FBI had extensive evidence regarding.
So, Cohen only confirmed.
“Pointing out Leopold’s troubled record with journalistic integrity, …”
Some context or at least a link would be nice to go with a line like that. What is troubled about Leopold’s record of integrity?
If you didn’t believe the report before, look at all the dunces that have now formed a confederacy against it.
Trump hasn’t shit on BuzzFeed as his first response, so it mustn’t be “fake news” after all.
Fox news’ report on it.
as recently as this week, the Wall Street Journal has suggested that he may have stolen tens of thousands of dollars….
Notice what Trump focuses on: Not the Lying or the Suborning Perjury by himself, but the fact that Cohen stole money FROM HIM!!! Trump paid $50K to rig the polls, and Cohen only spent $13K of it and POCKETED THE REST!
There is NOTHING that pisses Trump off more than the FACT that he got STIFFED in the DEAL (something he prides himself on doing to others.)
How dare you BuzzFeed.
Telling the truth is not being truthful in Trump world.
You will now be Tweeted until you say the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth.
So what is the documentary evidence?
Might we have emails? Probably.
Might we have witnesses that corroborate the charges? Probably.
Might we have audio recordings on one of Mikey’s 16 phones? Because that would be the best if we could hear that played in court.
Granted, Cohen is an admitted liar and convicted perjurer. I keep hearing that from the unindicted co-conspirator and unadmitted liar in the Oval Office.
The fact that the liar doesn’t admit it does not change the fact that he is a liar and a criminal.
While I am enjoying this very much and will surely have to work this weekend to make up for all the work I won’t be doing today ( thanks MSNBC!), I still will feel much, much better when this is verified by another outlet.
Kevin Corke, @FoxNews “Don’t forget, Michael Cohen has already been convicted of perjury and fraud, and as recently as this week, the Wall Street Journal has suggested that he may have stolen tens of thousands of dollars…” Lying to reduce his jail time! Watch father-in-law!
The thing is yes, Cohen has been proven a liar, he lied covering up for the president.
Yeah, i may have got into work a little late today as well.
Worth watching:
There’s a link there that explains. Was it there before?
Agreed. It sounds like their sources are people within the Mueller investigation. Why would they choose to speak to BuzzFeed with this story? I am inclined to believe it, but will also feel still better when it is elsewhere confirmed.
Fair point. I’ve added a link detailing Leopold’s history of alleged plagiarism and making up sources.
And boy that link is a doozy!