Discussion: BuzzFeed Editor Fired For Plagiarism Gets Second Chance At Conservative National Review

Discussion for article #227337

As if conservatives ever cared who they steal from.


Or like conservatives care about who’s feeding them the partisan hate they’re so hungry for.


In my field (I was a scientist at a major medical school and did Reproductive Physiology, specific project was ovarian cancer related) stealing someone else’s words or data was the outright end of one’s career and nothing written afterward by that person would carry any weight. Period. Our journal articles always had lengthy citations upon which we based our work and due credit was always given.
Now I see this slime bag landing a job at which he will expound the words of other as his own yet again. Disgusting.


Deadbart, the Flamer and now NR? My, how the standards of journalism have slipped - especially since “social media” bloggers are now considered journalists.


Journalists are not held to the same standard as scientists. Conservative journalists in fact have no standards at all. All that’s needed is that you should be a white male or a blond in a short skirt, ready to hate on liberals and non whites and carry water for corporations. You’re set for life. If you ever get caught doing anything which normal people consider reprehensible, you’ll be transferred from one conservative rag to another. Similar to the situation with catholic priests and little boys.


Journalism ain’t what it used to be. Now a lot of these hacks think it means they make news, not report the news.


Not just medical school, but any academic field is run by that assumption and that ethos. You plagiarize, you’re dead in your profession. It is really as simple as that. Those “academics” who made their name via the talk show circuit and who got caught - well, they might still be on TV, but their reputation in serious academic circles is dead. No second chances. Plagiarism is the academic equivalent to murder.


Imagine just for a moment that Johnson was a liberal or worse, a Black. The right-wing liars and scum who make up the right-wing press would be screaming for blood and whining about the loss of moral values and/or affirmative action. What scum populate NRA, The Blaze, The Daily Caller, and Faux. Scum.


Journalists ought to be held to the same standards I was. Consider, the 1st amendment in large part is directed at and used by… them. Their function in a free society is to hold the government to account as in the Watergate scandal. That was classic investigative journalism. Now we see the hacks at Fox gin up a non-story and then report the effect of their non-story as if it was news. Dana Perino barfs about Obama being alone at Stonehenge as if it’s a world shattering crisis. That is not journalism. It’s whining.
And these hacks commit plagairism on an epic scale and nobody cares. It’s enough to make me consider an afternoon with my bottle of bourbon.


The “incredible team at NRO” - I think that word does not mean what you think it does.


I liked that statement that in the future Johnson will “do more creative work”. As in “creative accounting”? Apparently, he has already done quite a bit of “creative” work.


I fully agree that plagairism ought to be treated exactly as you describe. The end of one’s career. This former Buzzfeed editor ought to find a job in some other field that does not depend upon ethical standards. there are plenty of jobs around where one can make a living w/o being a plagiarist. The outfit that hired this guy (the National Review) ought to lose their credibility for doing so because by hiring this guy they are saying that they don’t give a damn about his ethical lapses…

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SteppingStone to FoxCouchdum.


Fully 1/10 of all of Benny’s columns contained plagiarism. The list is quite interesting. He even had to plagiarize Wiki for a political quiz he wrote. A political journalist who knew so little about politics that he had to plagiarize wiki? Jeebus on a Triscuit.



How precious. Someone knitted a new sock.


The magazine William F. Buckley founded. Ahahahahahahaha.

And the magazine Christopher Buckley quit, saying that his father would not recognize the place.


Republican Scum - it’s the hardest to get rid of and it always leaves a nasty stain.

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How is the liberal establishment “ganging up” on him? Does reporting the fact that he’s been hired by NRO despite being a plagiarist constitute “ganging up”. What truth do conservative journalists want to reveal that they cannot? What exactly are conservative journalists? Are they paid stooges for the republican party? Name two things that MESSnbc (real cute name BTW) literally made up? So far you have nothing except nonsensical irrelevant attack points.

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