Discussion for article #222678
“…friendship, accountability and love…”
The best way to flourish is through money, which Ryan should know, since he’s running around begging for handouts from people who have it.
Shameful. Disgraceful.
“…Many of … Gov. Bush’s achievements should be replicated across the country…”
I especially like the one that says big government should be the legal guardian of every fetus. Not the mother and father.
“Having toured the country in recent months focusing on the nation’s poor”
Oh, good, at least he has fully experienced it first hand…got more dishes?
That “loser” stench is getting stronger, Paulie, not weaker.
Methinks I saw a clothespin or two on those aristocratic schnozzolas.
He toured the country to learn firsthand about the problem, I guess. And then he remarkably decided, after touring the country, that the policy positions he’s always held are exactly the right ones. It’s almost magical.
He has proven how into poverty he really is with his budget which will create more of it. Congratulations, you sanctimonious loser.
I love these guys, who not once in their entire useless lives have held a meaningful job, or responsibility, or had to wonder where their next meal was coming from, patronizingly dispensing advice on how to rise out of poverty.
It’s like trying to get grammar lessons from a drooling illiterate. A complete, utter waste of time.
Good to see LYIN’ RYAN back to form.
NO way they can sustain anything that looks like compassion for more than a few minutes at a time. This gets…awkward…FAST.
Losers lose. That’s what they do.
It is comedic to me that white conservative guys in tuxedos are actually serious when they are telling the super wealthy (who are mostly older conservative white people) that the prescription for having fewer poor people in the country is just about any policy that allows the super wealthy to be able to keep more of their money, and so if they give them some of that money it will be all good.
Pay me money so I can sell myself to the electorate and win a high paying job as President, then, I will bring “friendship” and “accountability” to the suffering masses. Which will end their horrible predicament of having no money or place to work for money, with the coincidental benefit of you keeping even more of your income and becoming even more comfortable.
Are they touring as a ticket? I mean Bush is a establishment kinda guy and Ryan is a neo conservative. What a fucking NIGHTMARE if they’re elected…
Bush and Ryan= CRACKPOTS! Anti-American (democratic) ideas that will lead to more of the same inequality. Americans have seen enough Bush to last a lifetime and Lyan Ryan is absurdly stupid.
So many platitudes, so little time.