Discussion for article #244304
Jeb Bush expressed confidence that the memory of his brother’s “War on Terror” had “absolutely not” affected his 2016 run.
“The failure of my campaign is due solely to my OWN immense suckage!”
but my brother—if you did the polling and actually looked at it, he’s probably the most popular president amongst Republicans in this country."
Ok, so you can’t blame your lackluster performance on him, so what else could be the problem ?
the clarification came a few minutes later…
he meant to say most popular among the severely brain damaged as well as those feeding most heavily at the corporate welfare trough…
This is why Jeb! sucks. It’s not entirely about the Dubya factor per se, it’s more about how Jeb! has handled it.
I can’t wait to see Jeb on the campaign trail with Dubya, then we’ll see who’s popular.
How delusional can you get?
For a guy whose campaign was supposed to be focused on the future, he sure is easily goaded into talking about his brother.
Who knew that George was the smart one?
Yeah---------Poppy and Barb like dubya more than you, Jebba.
Get over it.
Please let Jeb! win the nomination. He just can’t resist the bait.
Jeb! is delusional!
Jeb! is an opponent’s dream.
Please proceed, Governor.
“[Romney] warned [Jeb!?] his close family would lead voters to associate him with the tanking economy and drawn-out wars….”
Totally unfair.
There’s so much more to the Shrub legacy:
Like turning a surplus into a deficit through tax-cut orgies for the 1%.
And creating the Security State.
Or sanctioning torture.
Things like that.
Dubya is so popular that he wasn’t invited to the last two R Conventions, and was kept at arm’s length by both McCain and Romney. To Jeb!, denial is not a river in Egypt, like Madge’s manicuree, He’s soaking in it!
Baghdad Bob!
Jeb Bush: Loved at family gatherings…Hated everywhere else.
There seems to be some bizarre Freudian dynamic in all this, perhaps having to do with cigars…
W is not even the most popular president in the family.
Jeb acts like a guy who has to run for president rather than wanting to.
The ghost of Reagan is at this moment possessing Jeb’s body and making him endlessly slap himself in the face with his own hand.