Any Bush, including baby Bush Jeb, is in no position to tell someone else whether they can intervene in something or not.
Bush II lied to the American Public and the world to justify invading Iraq - a completely sovereign nation that had nothing to do with 9/11 and had ZERO WMD.
Bush intervened in Iraq and destabilized the entire region! Now we’ll have decades of unrest (civil wars) across the middle east!
Jeb…drop out and go retire with your silver spoon in your mouth…we don’t need another leader from the inheritance class.
“Intervene?” Good grief Jeb! the Pope was answering a question, and maybe you should read his entire comment, because it really had nothing to do with Trump or the election, other than the fact that the Pope called the bullshit spewing forth as being probably not exactly Christian.
Jeb was just trying to show his bona fides as a Constitutionalist who believes strongly in the separation of church and state. It’s one of those plank things in the GOP platform. Somewhere.
That right there encapsulates why Bush is such a flop as a presidential candidate. Not only is he passing up an opportunity to press his position against an opponent by backing up the Pope (Bush is against the big beautiful wall non-policy), but his language is loaded with EQUIVOCATION.
Setting aside that Bush should back up the Pope on this since he agrees on the policy side of it, if he did really want to get anti-popey, it should have been, “Totally wrong for the Pope to jump into the middle of this election.” “Probably” is equivocal. “Inappropriate” is equivocal.
SeanMalloy: What strikes me is that not a one of these alleged candidates bothered to really check out what had actually happened beyond the flame-throwing media short-hand in the various questions…
sean, yeah it is striking but hardly surprising. low info is their new mantra. simple is nice.
I’m so confused. Who gets to decide who is Christian and who isn’t? Right wingers have been calling Obama a non-Christian for years now. That’s ok, but not for the Pope?
BTW, the Pope didn’t call Trump a non-Christian. Jeb’s got to learn to read a bit better.