Discussion: Bush Ethics Lawyer: Electors Shouldn't Vote For Trump With Current Conflicts

Sorry. Im’a need a few moments. Or a day. Or 4 years. Somethings broke inside me and I can’t stop laughing.

And, not in a good way.


While in a perfect world Rethug electors would put country before party, and rationality before the chaos a HO presidency will clearly be, they won’t. Because Amurka…and WINNING!!!

Even if the electors would vote "not HO, I’m not sure who else they could vote for. They HATE Hillary, and neither Johnson or Stein would much of an improvement, although neither is an egomaniacal, thin-skinned, belligerent psychopath. Pence has most of HOs policy preferences, just a much flatter affect. We’ll probably get to see him in action anyway, when HOs diet of incinerated steaks and double Whoppers with cheese carries him off.

I just hope we survive this political science experiment from Hell.


I realize Painter’s focus is ethics, but the financial corruption may pale in comparison to the foreign policy shitstorm the grand idiot is embracing like the sex offender he is.

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This guy was my contracts law professor way back when (or commercial law, I can’t remember which, anyway). I didn’t figure him for a Republican, more of a nerd, really. But I do know he was very highly regarded in the area of business law and conflicts. If I recall, he may have authored the textbook.


Painter appears to have been one of the few actual professionals in the Bush Administration.


We’re not having an argument here son, just an observation. However, if you feel smart by instead referencing the 1st runner up modern-era fascist, have at it! I’m certain they can both dance on the head of the same pin!


This is not inconsistent with what I remember about Painter.

I agree, but no balls in the Electoral College. These folks were picked by patronage, not perspicacity.

Can you guess where he wants to build a resort? I’m not kidding.

Thank you. I couldn’t help thinking that “Bush ethics lawyer” ranked within a notch on the Degree of Job Difficulty scale as what Ed McMahon did on The Tonight Show.

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Exactly. If he owns and operates businesses, he does not own them any the less merely because he no longer runs them. Moreover, his willingness to involve in presidential policymaking his same children who ostensibly will operate the businesses he owns serves to highlight the blurred boundaries between his businesses and government policies that can directly impact the profits of his businesses.


Why does no one pay attention to the domestic emoluments clause, in Art. II, Sec. 1, which precludes a president from receiving a benefit beyond his salary from the federal government or any benefit from a state government–which would include creatures of the state like local governments, including zoning authorities?


So the EC meets and votes on the 13th but trump says his plan to put up a wall between his business ventures and the White House will be announced on the 15th. So the electors just have to trust trump to do the right thing? Bullshit!

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Whoops, didn’t see that before posting the identical comment below.

And now I see that it is the 19th that the EC meets. Gives them four days to hash over just how removed and unconstitutional trump will be.

I remember before the 2000 election, the Bush team was planning to lobby the electoral college if Bush won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote.

Unfortunately, our Democratic leaders won’t even try.

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Are the Bushes ethically challenged? That’s going to go down in history (has already gone down in history) with other famous questions about Pope’s religion, and ursine toilet facilities. You can start with Senator Prescott Bush and his actions as financier for the Nazis, move ahead George H. W. Bush and his role in keeping our hostage diplomats in Tehran in place until St. Ronald of Raygun was inaugurated [1], and then George W. Bush and his insider trading, abuse of eminent domain in Arlington, Texas on behalf of a private entity (the Texas Rangers), which was topped by dragging the nation into an unnecessary war of his choosing.

That an ethics advisor to Dumbya is noticing ethical lapses on the part of His Orangeness is a sign of exactly how depraved (and deprived of any sense of shame) HO is.

[1] I thought the Ayatollah Khomeini’s releasing the hostages to coincide with St Ronnie’s inauguration was very nice touch.

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Bush had an ethics lawyer?


Good list, but let’s not forget the Iran Contra pardons when he became president.

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