Discussion for article #242368
But it’s not falling apart.
And Bush v3.0 (the “Smart Brother Model”) continues to swirl down the toilet.
I think a hefty woman is warming up backstage…
“Bush Campaign Loses Chief Operating Officer.”
Squeak, squeak.
Splash, splash.
tick, tick, tick
One step closer to a Trump / Carson / Rubio nomination. You know, I’d almost like Carson to get the nomination. Can you imagine the mental anguish the wingers would suffer when faced with pulling the lever for a ni-CLANG?
Well, that will inspire lots of confidence, I am sure.
Well, I guess Jeb! can’t expect the COO to be paid less than $140K, now can he…so he had to let it go…
“We are in trouble? C’mon, that’s pretty funny.”
Jeb! 's demonstrating his Fiscal Conservatism?
Shorter Jeb!: “It’s only a flesh wound! I’ve 'ad worse…” And another wheel falls off the clown car; can’t say that I’m upset about this, as the very last thing this country needs is another member of the Bush criminal empire inhabiting the Oval Office. Buh-bye, Jeb!
Once Bush drops out, I expect there to be a mass exodus following him. Everyone can walk away with a shred of pride by saying they outlasted Bush, the presumed front runner and #1 fund raiser. In fact, I almost think that is what a lot of them are waiting for.
Rubio is definitely hoping it happens sooner than later. Because Bush is the most likely, if not only, candidate that will start the whisper campaigns about his dalliances in Tallahassee. Once he is gone, Rubio is pretty safe from having to fend off those rumors.
I’m under the impression that he’s started that already (not that it has worked the way he wants).
Au contraire, when Bush drops out I would think that the whisper campaigns against Rubio will begin in earnest and it won’t just be the dalliances.
I disagree. Their egos will keep them in it at least until Early February. You’ll see a mass exit when/if a clear favorite emerges though.
You’ve been flying so high you don’t know
That you’re blind to the writin’ on the wall
But some day you’ll look down
And you’ll find you’ve got no place to fall
When the bright lights’re gone you’ll be standing alone
Forsaken in the naked light of day
Then you’ll know that it’s all over but the dying
And you’ve still got the devil to pay
—Johnny Cash
Hope the affliction spreads to the rest of the party.
I hear Snarly Failorina is available for an executive position.
$12K per month!
I suppose the irony is that she could have done a great job for that or a lousy job for that and the end result… Jeb! not becoming President… would be the same.