Discussion for article #222969
Every time a state makes such a decision, I imagine that Scalia’s blood pressure goes up one point.
I smell roasted cannoli.
Let’s just keep rubbing it in his nose, jurists.
From the opinion:
“In future generations, the label same-sex marriage will be abandoned, to be replaced simply by marriage,” Judge John Jones concluded in the Pennsylvania case. “We are a better people than what these laws represent, and it is time to discard them into the ash heap of history.”
Rick “Frothy” Santorum backed this judge before W appointed him.
There’s gonna be a heartache tonight, a heartache tonight, I know, I just know…
This is the same judge, btw, who pretty much killed off “Intelligent Design” mis-education in PA public schools.
You should all read the actual opinion following the article. It’s fucking spectacular and guaranteed to render the heads of the NOM crowd duly exploded.
This is the same Judge John E Jones whose ruling in the Dover PA destroyed “Intelligent Design” in the science classes. Whatever was GWB thinking? Oh, wait…
Scalia is going to “snap a twig” again over this ruling. Delicious!
Same, but I also hope its the point that pushes him to retirement, and Obama can name his successor. Its the stuff dreams are made of.
Don’t count on it. Unless his health forces him to leave SCOTUS, he’ll hang on at least until there is another Republican president.
Maybe all these rulings quoting Scalia will cause his head to explode and make the vacancy.
Mr. Scalia deserves an honor from the gay rights community. I propose a statue showing Harvey Milk pouring a bottle of Santorum on Antony.
Someone on Twitter this afternoon noted that all of these judges in drafting their opinions striking down the bans appear to be working extra hard to outdo each other in describing the necessity to do away with these archaic laws. This ruling is an especially well written example of that.
I say flourish away with those pens, your honor(s).
Another day, another loss for the baggerbigots.
Tony and Clarence showing signs of dementia caused by longterm
Koch addiction.
Worth noting that Judge Jones also rejected a push to insert Intelligent Design in schools in a case a few years back in an incredibly long and thorough opinion. He seems to be a thoughtful, rational judge.
I can’t believe Il Duce’s head hasn’t exploded yet.
Just a thought: If Nino does have a heart attack from all this “renown”, how soon before Clarence Thomas keels over? I mean, it happens with old married couples all the time…
Well, that may never happen at the rate the Republicans are going. So, he can hold is breath until he turns blue.
Pan to frothy Rick Santorum weeping inconsolably in a corner.
Congrats to all who worked for equality in Pennsylvania!