So the Jebster is like Mr. Magoo, but with hearing?
“I emailed him this morning and I said to him, ‘Hey, I’m a little confused by this answer so I’m genuinely wondering did you mishear the question?’” Navarro said. “And he said, ‘Yes, I misheard the question.’”
Is this what they call leading the witness?
Jeb Bush shit in his own mess kit. Now he wants someone else to clean it out. Goes to character…
You do know that ‘probably’ is short for ‘talking out my ass’, right? They DID teach you that when you were working for your B.A. in Public Administration at the University of Mississippi, right?
Or did they teach it to you when you were a lobbyist for the gaming industry?
Maybe you learned it when you were working for John Ensign reelection? You remember John, don’t you? He’s the guy who didn’t know it was wrong to sleep with the wife of his best friend? Just to get caught doing it?
Or many you learned it when you tried to get the GOP nomination for the 1st Congressional district in Mississippi and you only got 15% of the vote in the GOP primary?
So he’s a Republican Presidential Candidate who doesn’t listen to women.
I’m liking him more and more as the standard-bearer for his party.
What this shows is that his campaign is utterly unable to deal with the very real issue of W’s miserable failure as President. He will continue to be blasted with W’s litany of mistakes and errors and it appears he will embrace them all. They simply do not have any good answers for that, and it rightfully should kill his chances.
I beginnning to think JEB isn’t very bright. I think as the 2016 campaign unfolds, we’ll see JEB is actually the dumber one, as hard as that is to believe. He’s not been very impressive so far and he’s dull as dirt.
BINGO!!! LOL!!! Nailed It.
So let me get this straight,He was for it,before he found out he was against it the next day ?
Now who can argue with that?
Gotta wonder if he’ll be tapping NAVARRO to clean up the mess in aisle 6 he just made by promising to undo Obama’s immigration executive orders.
“When asked if he had any advice for his brother on how to address his gaffe, former President George W. Bush replied: ‘Rarely is the question asked: Is our brother learning?’”
LAMEstreaM MEDIa tripped HIM UP wITH obVIOUSLY MISLEadING and CONFUSing QUEstion that HE CLEarlY Misheard!111!!!one!!1!!!
MORning JOE sAYS JEb IS SUPer SMART, BUT not IN the TAKing OUT louD waY where he HAS TO DEbate or ANSwer QuestIONS frOM MEdia OR oTher stUFF likE that. SCRIPTEd, HE’s THE SMArtesT GUY in tHE ROOM!1!!!one!1!!!
Jeb was heard saying…"What? WHAT?
My bad, I thought you said IRAN!!"
It is already starting.
He’s the “smart” Bush brother, too!
He got bitch slapped by laura ingram…that’s when his “hearing” cleared up.
JEB® also misheard the names of his campaign’s foreign policy team…the “experts” that were in his brother’s Administration.