Discussion: Bundy Tries To Clarify His Slavery Remarks: 'I'm Not Racist'

Discussion for article #221967

He’s learned the ways of the GOP, Republicans, &
T-Baggers very well.
You can go on TV, Radio, & print media and say the
most racist, bigoted things one could conjure up.
Feed your audience all the red meat they crave.
Then you go out and claim you’re not what you clearly
are. I guess they really do live in the Dark Ages they
long to take us all back to.
I can think of no other explanation as to why they
deny it, we have the TAPE!


His own subsidy–his legal one and the one he just took–seems OK tho.

What’s fascinating and sad is that this guy seems to have no idea that his POV is racist. Got to wonder how prevalent this is among racist?


Conservative rants that they are not racists comes off like the Groupie chorus in the old Frank Zappa song: “We’re not groupies. We just want a guy, from a group, with a dick that’s a monster. But we’re not groupies.”


Keep on ‘splainin’, Cleven, until EVERYONE understands what you really mean.

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Extremely prevalent. (See, e.g., Roberts, John.)

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Most racists seem to have no idea how racist they are. I called out a guy on DNAinfo who kept complaining about “ghetto thug scumbags” and told him his racism was repugnant. Even though he gleefully acknowledged that “it’s not my fault the ghetto is full of black people,” he still insisted that he wasn’t a racist and that I was because I saw color in his turn of phrase. He kept this up for months thereafter, despite my lack of engagement. Somewhere deep down he clearly knew his defense was nonsense, so he keep at it, hoping I would eventually agree that he was pure of heart, which I never did. The longer he ranted about his lack of racism, the clearer it became. Just like with this fool “Clyde” Bundy (the name Gov. Rick Perry assigned him).

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Rationalization is an integral component of racism, you really can’t be a racist without it - it makes no sense otherwise, you have to have a reason that others are less then you, so no racist will ever admit to it because they know racism is wrong but what they think is OK because its the “way it is”


OK, here’s what’s going to happen over the next 24 hours.

  1. Bundy will claim his words were taken out of context.
  2. His sympathizers will say “he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body” and/or “some of his best friends are Negroes”.
  3. Bundy will claim his 1st amendment rights are being violated.
  4. Bundy will claim he’s the real victim of racism.

Someone should ask Bundy his definition of “racist”. I’d love to hear that answer.

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Bundy will run for sheriff now.

Or Governor.

Even though we constantly hear, Racism is dead,
there is no Racism in America, my answer is
“I’m pretty sure each of us knows SOMEONE who’s a Racist.
so, if that’s true, that’s ALOTTA ‘effin’ Racists!!”
~Valerie Martin~