Discussion for article #232692
The loony bin wouldn’t let Pat Robertson in either .
This man is a liar.
Rinse. Repeat.
“…God warned…”
Only Satan claims to know the mind of God.
I don’t know what all the fuss is about…
Based on all of his statements, I think we can all agree with 100% certainty that Bryan Fischer is a standard, run-of-the-mill member of today’s GOP.
He seems pretty good at communicating their beliefs too. So I hereby nominate him as communications director for the GOP Presidential Nominee for 2016.
“Hitler discovered that he could not get straight soldiers to be savage and brutal and vicious enough to carry out his orders, but that homosexual soldiers basically had no limits and the savagery and brutality they were willing to inflict on whomever Hitler sent them after,” Fischer said. “So he surrounded himself, virtually all of the Stormtroopers, the Brownshirts, were male homosexuals.”
This guy is hysterically nuts. That quote needs to get some mainstream air time.
Just making’ shit up and puking it out of his mouth…like all believers in magic.
This guy is pure comedy gold… Only in a sad way.
thanks for the sampling of this guy’s thoughts(?) on humanity, but he really shines when the topic is grizzly bears in the biblical context.
like many wingnut fabrications, there is a tiny kernel of truth to this around which Fischer built an elaborate edifice of lies. Hitler’s rise to power was aided by Ernst Röhm’s squad of goons, the SA. Röhm was known to be gay and in fact the SA had somewhat of a reputation for, shall we say, brotherly fraternization in between the beatings they administered to anybody who dared oppose the NSDAP.
Hitler came to perceive that the SA had grown too powerful, while other members of Hitler’s inner circle - Göering, Himmler, and Goebbels - wanted Röhm out in a power struggle. Hitler was finally convinced to purge his longtime friend Röhm and the SA in the “Night of the Long Knives” in 1934. Of course, the purge of Teh Gay from the Nazi party led to sunshine and rainbows for Germany and all of Europe.
Finally, a “real” Christian speaks, not one of those nanby panby, turn the other cheek, forgive them all and let god sort them out types!
Sir, for the Love of Christ check your mental health.
So he puts his religion which worships a Jew over Judaism …(scratches head)…
Well then…that’s certainly logical. Not
Another one of those Old Testament Christians whose bible doesn’t include Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
More LIBtard LIES! HAve YOU ever BEEN IN A CHURch? hE waS A cHRIStiaN. A WHITe, Blue-EYED cHRistiAN WHO hated JEws, MOSLEMs, athEISTs, INDiaNS and GAYs and HITLER!1!1!!one!1!!!
The poster child of what’s wrong with religion!
Or, reality!
So many batshitcrazy Right Wing evangelicals.
So few lions.
He’s not an “evangelist.” He’s a demagogue and a psychopathic hate-monger. And he enables other of the same ilk.