Discussion: British PM Criticizes Speculation About Bombing Following Trump's Comments

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I know how much “thoughts and prayers” aggravate the hell out of some people, but I would really prefer our “president” tweet comments of that nature as opposed to this dumbfuckery.


It’s almost as if he wants to grab the headlines before some other news breaks today.

Could it be … Friday?


For this asshole to brag about secret plan to defeat ISIS, then use Obama’s ongoing strategy instead, then brag about degrading ISIS more than Obama, is a perfect, putrid distillation of Trump. All the BS in the world won’t save his soul. And maybe not his presidency, either.


"I never think it’s helpful for anybody to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation,”

=Insufferable wanker!


Also, he hasn’t gotten his golden carriage state visit to the UK (and he never will).


As PM May was leaving the interview, she was overheard saying to an aide, “That’s the last bloody time we notify that cockwomble shitgibbon about our terror investigations.”


It’s not about us, his base doesn’t know any better. They think Katrina happened on Obama’s watch. Katrina was Obama’s Katrina.


Previous Presidents and Administrations have been raked over the coals for even referring to their predecessors in passing once or twice.

But this President and his Press Secretary both keep on referring to the Obama Administration, over and over again, in both subtle and overt ways, and usually with open contempt. I don’t remember President Obama ever ONCE showing contempt for President Bush. In fact, he went out of his way to not charge or investigate anyone in the Bush Administration for torture. And the open contempt that even Press Secretary Sanders now shows for the previous President would have had Republicans fuming if it had been Jay Carney speaking that way about President Bush.

And when Trump and his Press Secretary talk about the previous President, it’s always to say that they’re somehow doing ‘better’ than him - even and especially when either they’re not demonstrably doing better or it’s just not even applicable to the situation.

So, just like their base, this President and the people he’s surrounded himself only care about their own perceived grievances (all the poor white people who had to suffer under TWO TERMS of a black President). They have no interest in actually doing anything for the country.

Which is funny, since Trump and his supporters usually go on and on about how bad they think ‘identity politics’ are.

On the substance of his tweets, when he says that Scotland Yard had certain suspects in their sights, is he tweeting out currently secret information that perhaps the UK government shared with us, or is he just making stuff up? It’s so hard to tell with this President whether, at any given point, he’s being either totally distrustful with classified information or he’s just being totally stupid. I guess it’s a combination of both, usually.


At this point I’m honestly torn which leader would help the planet more were he to successfully engineer regime change against his primary antagonist, Trump or Kim Jong-un? I’m starting to root for the latter.


STFU wanker. What’s with this “withiin sight of Scotland Yard.” Did he just watch a Sherlock Holmes movie. This guy is so nuts it’s ridiculous. Shutting down the internet. Yea, how about Twitter shutting him down. It would do the world a favor.


“Unhelpful” a very unassuming adjective, but one that is universally applicable to Donald Trump - as it implies not only not helpful, but also likely causing setbacks and creating further complications.


Hey jackass, another 100 Americans died yesterday (and the day before and the day before that) of opiod overdoses. What proactive act have you’ve done about that in the last 9 months?
Appoint your son-in-law to look in to it?


I bet if we poured honey on all their keyboards that would stymie them. I’ll e-mail DHS with my suggestion. Trump will think it’s pure genius.


Trump should be glad that Mrs. May did not use the double whammy, devastating, “singularly unhelpful”


Better still give ISIS free access to Ted Cruz’s favorite step-mom porn site.
That’ll keep them pre-occupied and too tired to fight.


And they still prefer the Affordable Care Act to Obamacare.


Didn’t Donnie Johnie say recently that he never makes comments until all the facts are known?


Good comment, many positive responses yet Donnie Johnie cares not what you and millions of others think and prefer - he will say and do as he pleases when he pleases which is one of the reasons my 70 yrs of optimism is rapidly fading.


Donnie is preparing for the next audience he gives May: