Discussion: British PM 'Choked On His Porridge' When He Heard 'Complete Idiot' On Fox

The reactions of the people in Birmingham to what this moron said were really funny: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/13/world/europe/twitter-users-react-with-glee-to-fox-news-claim-on-birmingham.html

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I was always partial to “Completely without redeeming social value.”


So just like George Bush fox news has embarrassed our country in front of the whole world.
The president should call out fox news and demand that they apologize to the prime minister, the world and our country.
He should also tell the country how fox news is jeopardizing our war on terrorism for political gain and needs to be stopped.


“When I heard this, frankly, I choked on my porridge and I thought it
must be April Fool’s Day,” Cameron said, “this guy is clearly a complete

Well said, Sir.

His only mistake was assuming that somebody wouldn’t call him on his lies. Otherwise, it’s just business as usual at Fox.

My favorite show when in England

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Fun fact. Sen. Franken was behind me on the taxi line at Penn Station Saturday evening. A man of the people.


Imagine for a second that Obama was the one responding, and we all know his choice of words would be a lot more subdued than this guy used. The Faux news lynch mob would be all over Obama calling him thin skinned.


Cameron said, “this guy is clearly a complete
Just stating the obvious.

to any rational thinking person most people on Fox are clearly idiots, but not to many Americans…


Well isn’t that just special … the new Republican “apology” has morphed from “if I have offended … blah, blah, blah” into “an inexcusable error.”

The sad fact is that Democrats are too fucking timid and scared of their own shadow to say what Cameron said.

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Then grow a pair, Mr. President. You’ll get a lot more respect if you do.

That’s ok, Dave. Here at our house, we spew to Fox News regularly…

the new slogan is “Fox News… We Lie, You Vomit…!”
“Fox New… Visual Bulimia!”


The Prez has been getting along just fine without your advice… Just because he don’t swing 'em like you want him to, don’t mean he ain’t got 'em.

And if you can’t respect the man for the sheer volume of his accomplishments in the face of a solid wall of sedition… then the problem is not his, but yours…


first the pope, now the PM. pretty boy Hannity must be popping oxy like candy dreaming up something special to say. Billo?? no need to spew, we already know the garbage within waiting to escape your wretched soul.

Like that entitled posh idiot Cameron ever eats “porridge”.

I did not obviously see that Fox guest say Birmingham is all muslim. The guy later apologized saying it was a terrible error. My question is what was a terrible error? Did he believe that the city is all muslim or did he mistakenly say the comments?

Dear Mr. Prime Minister, I personally vomit in mine everytime a family member brags about watching Faux News!!

Fox calls anybody an “expert” on [fill in any topic here] if they’re willing to say things that entertain their deluded sociopathic viewership, regardless of credentials. If I had to guess I’d assume this guy was only ever a “terrorism expert” when you just take into account right-wing echo chamber rhetoric. He may very well be a product of said echo chamber and honestly had believed what he was saying - the same way that in some circles global warming is a proven hoax or Obama is with no doubt a Muslim. The problem with Fox News now is that sometimes a few people who actually know what they’re talking about will tune in.

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