Discussion: British Petroleum Has Ditched ALEC

Discussion for article #234611

Corporate America seems to be tired of sucking Koch.

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Well, I was gonna put up a list of which companies continue to support them, but it’s too long.


There are LOTS of ways to get things done the ALEC way and you don’t have to call it ALEC. They may say they are leaving ALEC, but the ability to draft their own versions of legislation and get them passed by legislatures is just TOO tempting…and lucrative, to give up easily.


Gone are the days when the mere mention of BP would invoke 999 s̶h̶i̶l̶l̶s̶ t̶r̶o̶l̶l̶s̶ “social media consultants” to infest our boards with interesting reasons why the Deepwater Horizon disaster and ensuing 10,000 year ecological nightmare is just a bunch of hippies whining, as usual. They actually paid people to come onto this board and trash talk while their hole was belching poison into our ocean.



I suspect something else is at play here. They don’t give up that easily. Maybe a name change.

Wow. When one of the evillest corporations in the history of the western world decides you’re unethical, either you’re truly screwed, or you’re a paragon of virtue… and I think we all know which one ALEC is.

Just go ahead and call ALEC a group of shithooks, BP.

So while they were destroying our ocean they were happy members of ALEC but now that their name has been polluted, they are showing concern for themselves.

The name British doesn’t help in America exactly either so maybe they should change that to, Disgusting-Spewing-Belching-Petroleum because, assholes.

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Formerly Anglo-Iranian Oil; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP.

Sucker bet that ALEC is just burrowing in further since its name has become so public.

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Or an even more sinister organization … if that’s even possible!

And Iraq Petroleum Company. This company proves that slime does pay.