Discussion: Brian Williams Very Politely Calls Out Mark Halperin's Trump Boosterism (VIDEO)

Halperin is now and has always been a RNC stooge.


I think Halperin is right.

If there is a bit more of a national surge, and if it turns out his ceiling is higher than the Clinton folks think, if it turns out she doesnā€™t have the hold on the coalition of the ascendant that Barack Obama had, I think itā€™s possible he could find his way to 270ā€¦

And IF pigs fly, and IF Santa Claus makes a surprise appearance in Philadelphia or Charlotte over the weekend, and IF Roger Stone is able to release his secret amnesia-causing drug into the water supply over the weekend so everyone forgets everything Trump has ever said, itā€™s possible that he might have a chance to get to 270.


Halperin needs a good swift kick in the nutsack .
He is an insufferable hack and his ugly visog is on MSNBC from Mourning Joe to late at night .
Salon had him as their # 1 hack as the largest purveyor of conventional wisdom.
He detracts from civilized discussion


Too little, too late Brian. Where was this level of inquiry over the past year and a half?

How about you show up to work five days a week?


After all, he is the man who gave us all the ā€œgreat news for John McCainā€ meme and dubbed Trump the second best politician of the past 100 years.


I saw that exchange, and also happened to watch Morning Joe this morning with panelists including Halperin. It was interesting because after haranging Clinton as usual and analyzing polls to show Trumpā€™s improved status, Joe essentially said that everyone on the panel (Donnie Deutch?, Halperin, Mika, Joe & 1 other person) wanted Clinton to win. (In fact he seemed to be surprised that he needed to clarify that no one wanted to see a Pres. Trump).


I was always going to vote whomever was nominated to run against Trump. That out of the way, I donā€™t feel the need to jump on every reporter who expresses some skepticism against consensus on Trump. Everyone has been wrong about Trump to date, so to jump on Halperin for drawing a path to his victory is ridiculous, especially as he talks about it being unlikely. We canā€™t have the blindness to facts and possibility that the other side has. Besides, Brian Williams, who is not the paragon of truth and honesty, always tries to stir the pot when he canā€™t think of anything intelligent to say.


I donā€™t know about the rest of you, but my week has been made. Iā€™m going to watch it one more time just to see the look on Halperinā€™s face when he realizes heā€™s just been called out on his bullshit. Poor Marky looks like having to admit Clinton is winning may give him a hernia. Plus, watching Nicole Wallace try to keep from laughing out loud is a bonus.


Itā€™s amazing, isnā€™t it? I can watch that show with Heilmann, who I think is a pretty honest and fair person, and just about anybody else. I donā€™t even know if I think Halperin is genuinely partisan, or if heā€™s just genuinely stupid and thinks heā€™s playing devilā€™s advocate. I really think the latter is quite likely the case. I actually think it would be a pretty damn good show if Alex Wagner was Heilmannā€™s co-host.


Halperinā€™s reaction to that caused great hilarity at the political cool kidsā€™ lunch table in the twitterverse cafeteria. Guy calls you a tendentious stooge on national TV and you just have to sit there and take it. Couldnā€™t happen to a nicer guy or worse excuse for a TV talking head stooge lame-o.


Wouldnā€™t do any good. His nutsack bears no nuts.


I say this with charity in my heart as a frequent viewer of Morning Joe and someone who might catch an episode of With All Due Respect, Mark is a smug fuck who should eat a giant bag of dicks.


He was a pro-GOP jerk when Bush was president. Heā€™s pro-Trump today. He sure as hell isnā€™t stressing The_Donaldā€™s obvious horrendous flaws.

He gets away with it because of his even, calm voice - thatā€™s his main asset as ā€˜mainstream mediaā€™.


Iā€™ve got a Pick Six ticket at Del Mar thatā€™s an easier parlay than that line of IFs!!!


I donā€™t doubt that Halperin is a Republican partisan, but unfortunately heā€™s right that Trump has a chance to win. 538 puts his chance at about 35%, which is too close for comfort. If Democrats get complacent, Trump will be the next president.

I have always found him to be pretty neutral and funny as hell. He almost always was able to out-funny Jon Stewart when he would appear on his show. Thatā€™s no easy task.


Yes, but it wonā€™t be official until Bill Kristol predicts a landslide.


Salted or unsalted?


You obviously donā€™t watch Halperinā€™s show or youā€™d know it goes so much further beyond simple skepticism. Youā€™d know that day in and day out, even in the days after the ā€œgrab em in the pussyā€ video, Halperin was still shilling for Trump. Again, this is the guy who spent the last week of the 08 campaign saying just about every development was great news for John McCain.