Discussion: Brian Ross Leaving ABC News After Suspension For Erroneous Flynn Report

Well, ABC had to take action such as this, especially after FoxNews dismissed all the reporters and anchorpersons and on-air personalities who reported false stories and spread false rumors while working for their network.
Oh, wait…


there’s obviously more context than what’s available here. anybody know what’s really going on?


In the meantime a sitting US rep is claiming he’s being spied on by someone in the FBI. Oh and who can forget that joke of a president saying his predecessor spied on him.

Amazing how reporters are held to a higher standard than elected officials.


Granted, this was a big mistake. But that’s what corrections and apologies are for. Are they claiming this was wilful deceit?


(GOP) elected officials are being held to a standard?


The Trump administration demands the highest standards. Employees are expected to increase their lies by 10 percent month over month.


See “media, liberal”. Don’t bother looking for footnotes.

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Ross wasn’t wrong. They had an ongoing relationship with several contacts, of which Flynn was one. Flynn was tapped to work with the Russians on Syria, which he did immediately after Trump won the election.


This is an example of how the MSM bosses are compliant to Trump. This was a minor mistake, very understandable given that the Trump administration lies about everything to do with, well, everything, but especially Russia. So there would be a lot of pushback when the reporter tried to verify details.

And ABC cravenly falls in with Trump, acting like a minor mistake (yes, minor, just about timing-- the action reported happened and was illegal) was tranformatively corrupt-- and all the while reporting every lie Trump says without much comment.

So they basically fired these two, so that they’re not upsetting Trump, who will go on calling them “enemy of the people.”


I had a boss who said that in our positions (in a local non-profit, funded by the community) we were treated by the Board like credit card companies treat cardholders: we were only as good as our last payment. In our case, that was the most recent activity/undertaking, which had to be successful. Never mind that we’d set a failing organization back on its feet, and regained its almost-lost reputation; if an activity failed, we were “put on notice”.

It doesn’t matter to ABC News that this fine investigative reporter and his producer had won 17 News Emmys (!!), they were out for an error, for which they apologized and were nevertheless suspended.

Does anyone here not make mistakes on their jobs? Does anyone get suspended for making a similar mistake in their line of work? Much less fired?

Seems to me I remember something about the first step of an autocrat is to control the media…


ABC is owned by Disney. Disney has been attempting to acquire 21st Century Fox. The deal was okayed by DOJ last Wednesday.


It’s the trump gold standard…fake…and cheap.


Now that’s some interesting context.


I wonder how much ABC has paid melanie for rights to her image?


He got the timeline wrong, not the facts. It is actually worst that Trump had Flynn contact Russia when he was President Elect. Way over reaction. I’m glad Ross is going elsewhere.


When his report is proved true will Gaulstone be fired … out of cannon into a flaming lava pit?

I wish Brian and his crew great success in their future endeavors. I wish ABC a bad case of Legionaire’s Disease suspiciously ultra specific to the executive suites.

Thank God I never watch ABC …


I’d look for a big Trump story coming soon from Ross and his producer. Terms of his ABC suspension included no reporting on Trump for ABC. Guessing he has something juicy that he can do nothing with as long as he works for them. The solution, resign and find a company with a little more spine. Hopefully that still exists somewhere.


Trump, who will go on calling them “enemy of the people.”

Except Fox “News”. They have a special position in the news hierarchy.


Watch, when Flynn’s testimony becomes public…guess what’s going to come out regarding whether trump directed Flynn to contact Russia during the campaign or as P-elect…that’s right…both!

Also too, what difference does it make…campaign or P-elect? It’s still treason with intent.