Discussion: Brennan: Trump Pulling My Clearance Is Attempt To ‘Scare’ Others ‘Into Silence’

Oh what will Friday bring!


When we kick the current maladministration out of the government (and into jail for many of them), I’m not sure that all of the disinfectant in the world will be enough. We may have to burn the White House and other government buildings down and then rebuild them in order to get rid of the stench and the poisons.


John Brennan knows more about the level of cooperation between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government than anyone. Those Russian contacts were all electronically monitored, and all of the conversations with the Trumpers have been in the possession of the IC for two years. Brennan is stating publicly that the Mueller investigation is down to determining the level of criminal conspiracy that occurred during the campaign.

Trump will spend the rest of his life in prison.


I think it is amusing that Fat Nixon is so stupid he thinks this will work.
Dunning -Kruger indeed
The intelligence community support each other against external threats for the good of the nation.
An unjustified attack on one of them is an attack on all of them.
The orange moron has just ignited more resistance from the people who know all the secrets.
Payback will be a bitch Trump
Just wait


Trump is so moron-stupid I bet he thinks this Brennan is also the Brennan who testified in Manafort’s trial and that is why he revoked his clearance. :laughing: :laughing: :no_mouth:


That may be the end result Brennan but I think Trump did it now to stop people from talking about Omarosa. I think sht like this is in a big bag of tricks that the Steven Miller cabal has put together to pull out as needed.

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Since I can’t comment on the other article… (looking at you, TPM IT!)

I can’t believe he has yet again admitted that he’s doing these things as punishment for the Russia probe. Mueller doesn’t ever need to interview him, as Trump just keeps piling on the evidence!


Brennan is “erratic?”
This has to be Trump’s best projection yet.
Can anyone think of a more accurate term for Trump’s tenure thus far?
And Brennan?
Has there been a more reliably consistent voice with the courage to expose Trump for what he really is, a carnival-barking charlatan in creep’s clothing?
Trump’s a staccato drumbeat of “erratic”, he’s turned the word into an art form.
And there is so much more to come.


What our toddler-in-chief doesn’t realize is the people who work in intelligence has seen his kind come and go (though not here in the US except maybe at the state level) and they don’t scare easy.
Except for the fact that they are patriots, I would love to see the rest of the ones that Donnie is toying with pulling their clearances just resign in mass.

Revoking the Security Clearance is a trial balloon for firing Mueller.

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It won’t “scare others into silence” if it doesn’t silence you, John.

Trump’s trying to make you an example of his power.

Keep speaking truth to that power!!!

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They can take away his clearance, but they can’t erase his memory.


“Now more than ever, it is critically important that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and his team of investigators be allowed to complete their work without interference — from Mr. Trump or anyone else — so that all Americans can get the answers they so rightly deserve.”

Clear message to Congressional Repubs. And, I SO appreciate that Brennan is (fully) saying what needs to be said.


So… If Speaker Ryan is unwilling to label Trump’s revoking of Security Clearances as ‘Moscow Politics’ I wonder how he will react if the next Chairman of House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence gets his or her Security Clearance pulled for asking the wrong question?

Does anyone seriously believe that Trump would hesitate to do something like this?

You know that Putin told his piss ant to do this.
The piss ant said I love you Pootie.

Maybe a house clearing, cleansing ritual, a Native American smudging ceremony at the White House.

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dream on

Good idea, but I think we’re going to need much more.