“Ahhh, that’s just locker roomWWE Trash talk.”
This is confusing.
But then I never managed to come to a conclusion about the Sino Soviet Split† either.
† -Alleged!
ETA-It turns out that it’s hard to find a 'net reference to the fact–it is fact–that the CIA was divided whether the split between Mao and Krhuschev was real, or was concocted as a ploy to deceive the West. Never resolved, and extremely troublesome.
I will admit it when Dump does something good. He appears to be triangulating against the freedom caucus. But until he “puts a ring on it” it’s all just words.
The Trump handlers just need to come up with a snappy name for it.
Remember Trump voters hated Obamacare but loved the Affordable Care Act.
Go, Don, go! Approval ratings in the teens by Christmas!
Hmmmm…wonder if Stevie is losing credibility over there at Breitbart?
Actually " Amnesty Don" is a play on Howard Sterns name for Trump which was “Douche Bag Don” . Also the GOP has NEVER passed an amnesty immigration bill…
Facepalm…what a mess! This “deal with dems” was a deal to give the GOP everything they wanted – a big ICE boost along with the amnesty. All that had to happen was to keep quiet about not including the wall. Most of the GOP don’t want the wall either. They were all pretty much good to go and now it’s a disaster area.
It’s fun to humiliate Trump but not at the cost of losing amnesty for Dreamers. We shouldn’t be playing politics with these kids lives.
Who’re the ‘snowflakes’ NOW whiners??? Run! Go find your ‘safe’ place.
Pelosi and Schumer put the broad agreement in writing because they knew Trump would claim the wall was part of the deal if they didn’t. This morning he’s had about five different positions but it’s growing clearer that he’s fine making the wall an “in two weeks” issue.
Also, we have no idea how much money would go to border security. I highly doubt it will be anything on the order of the Gang of Eight farce.
Bannon uses a troll army to bolster his positions in Bretbart’s comment section. His readers are always cowed by what they perceive as The Cool Kids’ opinion.
Truly don’t know what wins out here. Trump’s neediness for love and desire for a win or his need for support from his base.
Maybe he ought to use the “red” phone to phone a “friend”?
Au contraire. His base will not leave him over Daca. This will improve his approvals as Obama Trump voters come back to him now that he has pivoted. And if he burns them on this, he loses nothing obviously. He has nothing to lose but the GOP leadership that was doing zero for him already.
I’ll take Breitbart Seriously when they say “crooked amnesty Don” (and maybe link him to BENGAZI!!!)
Since you’re talking triangulation, I’m going to respond to this on the Hannity thread. Trump sure is unpredictable.
My instincts tell me that Trump has lawn keepers a Mar-a-lago who would be negatively impacted. Good help can be hard to find…
I dunno that “triangulating” is the right word for this sort of myopic, self-serving flailing and floundering. It implies waaaaaaay too much strategic planning and tactical mastery to what is far more likely to be just Trump yet again seeking the approval daddy never gave him. I’ve probably said it here before, but Trump isn’t playing 12-dimensional chess. He’s playing Chutes and Ladders by himself and managing to lose.
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 signed into law by Ronald Reagan did indeed give amnesty to millions of immigrants.
And though it was a Democratic Congress, the original bill was a bipartisan effort led by Romano Mazzoli (D) and Alan Simpson ®.
Oh, there will be plenty of pundits and spineless journalists who are quivering in their corners, waiting for the next opportunity to spring up and announce that this is the pivot. He’s really presidenting now!
And this will sway a few on the fence, low-information voters who might think, “He’s not so bad after all.”