Discussion: Break-In Blogger's Wife: McDaniel Told Husband To Take Anti-Cochran Video Down

Discussion for article #222954

Tara Kelly said that her husband had been encouraged to go to the nursing home by Internet users he interacted with.

OK…c’mon TPM trolls…Make me proud. Which one of you egged him on?


Mississippi officials aer investingaing a possible conspiracy in this matter. The wife just gave the evidence tying McDaniel with the baggerbloggr.


It was a plot, I tell you. People on the internet suggested he do something dumb and illegal so he just had to do it.


You mean he was duped into helping the rightious right, I’m appalled. This is the way Rover has turned our society. Lie cheat and steal? NO rape pillage and plunder are more like it, the NEW Greedy Old Pigs?


There is nothing to this part of the story. She says they got the order after the clip had been up for an hour and a half. That doesn’t mean McDaniel knew about it ahead of time.

What I find interesting is just how blindingly stupid and utterly shameless McDaniel’s supporters seem to be. Kelly doesn’t begin to know the difference between right and wrong. He was egged on by commenters on his blog site? Wow. What a maroon.


They also told him to jump off a cliff cause all his friends were doing it. Clayton would’ve complied but this is Mississippi and he couldn’t find one.


The turtle in the background was a red herring. I was expecting the turtle in the background to do something dramatic but it never did.


That kid in the background is her daughter??

Keep slurping those biggulps kids!
It’s your rights!!!

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Covertly believing yourselves to be mandated by God to rule the US because of your assumed racial and cultural superiority while simultaneously proving the opposite is no way to go through life dear.

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McDaniel and his campaign have all been very explicit that he knew nothing of this until the blogger got arrested, two weeks after the video was put online. Tara Kelly directly contradicted that. Someone’s lying.


Well, if that video clip doesn’t make obvious “Constitutional Clayton’s” cultural superiority, I don’t know what would.

Smarter than her husband.

Which isn’t saying much, I know. But I bet she’s the one who goes to work every day while hubby sits home in his Walmart undies, “blogging.”


As long as his wingnut audience convinced him it was ideologically pure, proved his conservative bona fides and/or pissed off liberals…then, yes. He would do just about anything. They all would.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Well, getting closer to what I mentioned several days ago, that being that McDaniel is behind this. Not surprised.

Yeah, funny how when they get caught, the finger-pointing and victimization start up. No matter how craven or stupid, it’s always somebody else’s fault.

Countdown to trollish “false flag, liberal plant” whining.

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‘Somebody’ thought it was a good idea to go to a nursing home, take a picture of a sick woman and then use it to smear her husband because he was rarely at home ie in DC doing his job? The ‘big man’ had enough clout to order the video taken down (a good thing on the face of it) but he ‘barely knew the blogger’?

Dumb and Dumber part trois…

It really sad the lengths to which these people will go. No dignity. They are sociopaths. Self-righteous, base, sad little people. In intellect, not stature… I mean, well…

And people say Saturday Night Live isn’t funny anymore.

Wait, that wasn’t an SNL skit???